ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Road Rage

I just got Googled for "world's hairiest legs". Now I'm sorry I didn't post images with that entry.

I just had a road rage incident with some asshat from my apartment complex. I was waiting at the entrance of the complex to turn left onto the street. It's a busy street, especially the time of day this occured (4:30pm). The cunt lady behind me was waiting rather impatiently to turn left also. She eventually honked at me and motioned for me to go. I realize how irritating I must have been to her, waiting for that pesky cross traffic and all... Finally, she darts out behind me and passes me on the right to make her left turn in front of me. She damn near got broadsided by oncoming traffic (the uh... DUH! very reason I didn't pull out). As soon as it was clear to go, I turned and caught up to her (You just had to know I wouldn't leave it at that... ) I pulled up alongside her and informed her I wasn't in need of a driving lesson and it was, in fact, her who needed to brush up on the rules of the road. She tried to tell me that the center turn lane (in the street onto which she was turning) is for pulling into. I corrected her, saying that it was for the use of the people driving on the street only, for turning left in either direction. It was not for use by left-hand turners, such as ourselves, for the purpose of merging when traffic is not clear enough to enter a lane. Too many people mistake it as such, and many accidents occur because of their ignorance.

I added a few choice words to spice up the aforementioned argument. She noted, "You have kids and you fucking cuss?"

I told her my kids were the reason why I refused to pull out into a busy intersection. That and the fact that I had a nice car. I told her if I drove a piece of shit like hers, I might be less interested in keeping my vehicle nice.

Yes, I went too far. Don't I always? I need to learn to watch my mouth, but it has a mind of its own sometimes. I especially went too far with the next comment... I won't mention it here, but will say it had something to do with the dog she had in the front seat with her.

Real mature, Linda... you're 36 going on 12. Oh well. We all knew that, eh?

Speaking of birthdays, (were we?) wasn't it considerate of Clay to schedule the release of his solo CD on my birthday? We conferred and agreed this would be best. It's the best strategy as far as marketing is concerned and it makes turning 37 a little easier on this fat, old broad. Makes for a nice little gift from my Butterclutch.

Well, my kids are tearing the hell out of the apartment and since I really need my security deposit back, I better disconnect my fat ass from this chair and investigate.

5:42 p.m. - 2003-09-09


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