ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


A trip to the foot doctor...

I went to my podiatry appointment yesterday. I had major anxiety knowing what was in store for me. Upon being taken to an exam room, the nurse told me I didn't have to have a shot unless I wanted one. For a brief moment, I was overjoyed at the thought. Then I came to my senses and realized that the shot, albeit painful, worked wonders for my right foot. I had no choice but to let him do the same for my left foot.

The nurse fitted me for orthotic inserts for my shoes. I had to push my feet down into a squishy, foamy mold that felt great on my feet. She made the impressions and noted on my chart, "patient would like a cortizone shot". She said she had never written that!

The doctor was running late, so I had plenty of time to stew. I thought I was going to make myself vomit from stress, thinking about the pain that was to come. Finally, he came in and went right to work. Maybe it was his black curly hair with greying at the temples, or his deep, reassuring voice. Whatever the case, I felt better when he came into the room. He is so cute!

The needle hurt, naturally, as did the cortizone going in. At first, I thought maybe it wasn't going to hurt as badly as it did the first time. Then the medicine hit the actual spur.


It made the first shot seem like a tickle with a feather. I think it's because in my right foot, the spurs were scattered throughout the heel, whereas in the left, the spurs were more sharp and were in one specific area. I still get breathless just thinking about that pain. It was the worst!! I can now safely say it surpasses childbirth as the worst pain I've ever experienced. In a few days, it should all have been worth it when my foot pain disappears completely.

29 days until my trip!!

I'm wearing: blue, yellow and tan striped t-shirt, yellow shorts

I'm listening to: "You're My Number One" by Smash Mouth

I'm eating/drinking: nothing

Current weather in St. Charles, MO: cloudy and 56 degrees

9:49 a.m. - 2003-09-19


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