ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


The last of my trip memories...

Thanks to everyone who sent me well wishes and e~mails! Everything is fine and I really am okay with this. Really! In fact, I'm a little surprised at how well I'm taking it. Anyway, it's over. Time to move on.

I'll kind of combine the rest of the trip into one last entry, I think. Mom and I shopped alot the last few days I was there. I got so much stuff, mom has to ship it all back to me. Mostly I got clothes and stuff for the kids. Thursday evening, Larry called me when he got home from work. Mom and I were out shopping at the time. Mom said she really wanted to stay in that night anwyay, so Larry and I made plans to go out. I dropped mom off at the condo and went over to Larry's house. The last time I saw his place, the carpet was all taken out because of the water damage. (His neighbor's condo flooded). The carpet has since been replaced and it looks great.

Larry and I went to Pirate's for dinner. We'd been there several years earlier, too. Afterwards, we tried to go to Starbuck's (our usual hangout), but they were closed! Closed! Hmph! We ended up going to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and stayed there until they closed. I dropped Larry off at home and he asked me to call him the next day so we could get together again before I left. I was happy to oblige.

Friday was much the same as Thursday. Larry and I went out to a new Mexican place (I can't even remember what it was called now). As soon as we sat down and opened our mouths to speak, a Mariachi (sp?) band started playing at the top of their lungs.

So much for conversation.

That's one of the things I love about my friendship with Larry... we don't have to speak. It was awesome just being there with him and taking it all in. We didn't have to talk. The food was great (and plentiful). Afterwards, we took our ringing ears and went to a Starbuck's that was actually open. We sat for hours, talking, catching up and reliving old times. He truly is my best friend in the world. And it scares me.

See, one of these days, Larry will meet someone, fall in love and then my good times with him will end. I know they will. Jen knows what I'm talking about, because the same thing is happening to her right now. I told Larry I was scared to death of losing him. I sat there, choking back the tears, telling him how I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to spend time with him the way I do now. He told me he would make sure that would never happen, but I doubt it will play out that way. If he meets someone he's crazy about and she tells him to lose me, he'll lose me. I hope like hell it doesn't happen, but I need to prepare myself for it when it does.

Saying good bye is always so hard. I miss the days when Larry and I used to see each other everyday. (We used to work together) I wish it could always be that way.


Anyway... Saturday, my dad came up on the train to spend the rest of the weekend with us. He had been in London on business earlier in the week, that's why I didn't get to see him sooner. We showed him all the model homes mom and Kevin and I had seen. He fell in love with them, too. Maybe if all four of us pool our money, we'll be able to afford to rent a garage on one of these places!

But doubtful.

Sunday, we went out for a quick breakfast, then mom and dad took me to the airport. I breezed through security again and had plenty of time to kill at the airport until my flight. I sat down next to the most obnoxious girls on earth (in their early twenties, maybe) waiting for my plane. There were three of them. All had just attended some sort of bi~sexual convention and felt the need to pontificate about it at the tops of their lungs. They also kept spouting such ridiculous diatribe about how political and economical trends follow fashion trends. It might not have been so painful to hear, had they not inserted the word, "like" every three words.

When it came time to board, I made sure they took their seats first, so I could sit as far away as humanly possible. I sat right over the wing. It was far better to hear the high pitched, "RRRRRRRRRRRRRR" than to hear these bubbleheaded idiots.

Oh, I had only one celebrity sighting while on my trip. I saw Mario Andretti at LAX while waiting for my plane. The Long Beach Grand Prix was that weekend so all the drivers were coming in.

My flight to Las Vegas was the roughest I've ever had. The landing was so turbulent, a guy next to me screamed and grabbed my arm. People were screaming all over the plane, as a matter of fact. It was pretty spooky, I guess!

Well, I guess that about concludes it! I guess tomorrow I have to go back to writing about my boring home life. Maybe something interesting will actually happen between now and then.

Until then....

3:11 p.m. - 2003-04-18


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