ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! And happy birthday, Luther Vandross ~ here's to a speedy recovery, you gorgeous thing.

Note to self: never wait until the last minute to go shopping for the kids' Easter baskets. With my trip and all that's been going on, I wasn't able to go shopping until late yesterday. Me and every other disorganized soul on earth. Target was a madhouse, Wal~Mart was worse. To top it off, Wal~Mart is in the process of remodelling. I couldn't figure out where anything was. At Target, I bought one basket (that will look wonderful in my flower/seed packet bathroom!) to put all the boys' stuff. I prefer to put all their stuff on one basket as opposed to getting all three of them baskets that are expensive and that I'll have to throw out because I have no room for. This may not be an option as they get older, but for now, it works.

After I went this "one basket" route, I found some premade baskets at Wal~Mart for a hell of alot less money than I just spent. Usually I don't care for the premade ones, because the toys are cheap and they're loaded with that awful Easter grass that never goes away, even months afterwards. But these were nice and had some great toys in them. Oh well, maybe they'll be marked down tomorrow. I can stock up for next year and not have to go through this again next year.

The kids got a Wiggles DVD they've been wanting (although, it's playing right now and there's not a kid in sight... )

and a Wiggles video for them to watch in their playroom. The got alot of candy and some miscellaneous small gifts. I really tried not to go overboard this year. They always get so much crap they don't need. It's why they're so spoiled rotten!

Anyway, if you're interested, you can see pictures of the big event HERE.

Not much else going on this weekend. I actually got a scrapbook page done yesterday! How many months had it been? I didn't even plan it, I just sat down and whipped out a page I'd been working on since last summer. I guess that's what I have to do to get caught up. I'm one of these types that can't do anything for myself ~ sit at the computer, scrapbook, read a magazine, etc. unless I feel that everything else is done. Housework, laundry... I'm not sure why I feel that way.

I need to go make breakfast for the monsters. Have a great Easter!

8:11 a.m. - 2003-04-20


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