ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Sick as a Dog

I'm sick.

I started having body aches yesterday. I assumed it was A) all the running around I did in the yard with Jameson (will talk about in a sec) or B) that fact that I'm an old woman. Last night, I started getting a sore throat and swollen glands, my signature pre~cold symptom. Now I'm stuffy, sneezy, achy and snotty. Aren't those four of the seven dwarves? I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I can't take cold medicines, because in addition to making me feel loopy and incoherent, they really don't do a hell of a lot for me.

It's the perfect day to call in sick, if I had a replacement to work my shift. It's cold, dark, rainy and very windy. Oh, how I would love to crawl back into bed and sleep the day away. You can bet that if I'm not feeling alot better by the time I put Jameson on the bus, I'm putting Griffin down for an early nap and getting some rest. Or maybe I'll take a hot bath. Hell, who am I kidding... I'll probably sit here at the computer like I always do.

I screwed up. Royally. Kevin will never let me hear the end of this one. We got a notice in the mail from Prodigy saying they weren't able to bill this months internet service to the credit card they usually do, because it was declined. Well, that makes sense. Remember, we cancelled our debit card after that whole ebay fiasco. We have a new card number now. But wait... We don't have Prodigy internet service!! We called them and told them they've made an error. They informed us that they've been charging our debit card $21.95 per month since February of 2000!!!!! This is all my fault.

This is what happened. I had been using Earthlink as an ISP. I started having problems with them, so when I received a "try Prodigy free" disc in the mail, I popped it in and gave it a whirl. They said the first month (or maybe it was a certain number of hours, I don't remember) was free, but they needed a credit card number to begin the free trial. They do this so when idiots such as myself fall for this, they can make a fortune.

I downloaded it, chose a username and checked for local dialing numbers. They didn't have any. The closest number to us was long distance. (We're right on the egde of the stupid zoning area. I can call 40 miles to the west free, but it's long distance to call one street to the east.) I said oh well and that was the end of it.

Or so I thought.

Turns out they continued to bill service long after the free trial period (that I never used) ended. Because I agreed to the terms, by clicking "AGREE" when I signed up, I'm fucked. We're out over $800.

Kevin blew a gasket, which I could certainly understand. First the ebay thing, now this. I guess this negates the $3 a month AOL deal we've been getting.

Anyway, I had such a good time with Jameson yesterday! While Evan was in school and Griffin was napping, Jameson and I played outside in our backyard! Yes! In the yard! The new grass is, for all intents and purposes, in. As "in" as it's going to get, anyway. The weather was incredible. It was clear as a bell, breezy and the temperature was 68 degrees. We played baseball, kicked the soccer ball around and picked dandelions (we haven't combatted the dandelion issue yet! We just wanted grass, then we'll deal with the weeds!) I tried to get Jameson onto his new bike, but he wanted nothing to do with it. I think he's a little spooked yet. I really had a good time with my little guy. It's funny to me how uncoordinated he is. You'd think with parents as athletic as Kevin and I are, that our kids would be naturals, but the only one who appears to be, is Griffin.

Stop snorting ~ I said, "athletic", not "in shape". And believe it or not, I used to be both. Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

I had weird dreams last night. One was about my friend Sarah. She was visiting me on her way to Montana. She was driving there all by herself, just for the fun of it she said. The next dream was about my friend, Jesse. I miss him immensely. I haven't seen or heard from him in years. Larry said he came to the post office visiting about a year ago. He didn't have a chance to tell him to fucking call me already! Gr. In the last dream, I was trying to pack to get ready for a flight and everything kept going wrong. I kept losing stuff and running into people who wanted to delay me. Then I was waiting for my plane in the mall. Hmmm... it's almost as if I did take cold meds before bed!

I'm starving. I'm going to go get some breakfast that I won't be able to taste because of my sore throat.

Chicken soup vibes for me, nnkay?

8:42 a.m. - 2003-04-24


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