ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


And the neighbors cometh running

I'm still experiencing chills from Clay's performance last night. I've never heard anything like it. I'm totally in awe! Okay with that said...

I knew it would happen one day and yesterday it did. A neighbor came to the door during one of Evan's rages. Let me first say that I don't know or speak to any of my neighbors with the exception of the new people next door. I really prefer it that way. I'm not very social anyway, and since I don't fit the demographic for this neighborhood very well...

* I don't drink beer

* I don't own a boat

* I don't say, "I seen... "

* I don't smoke

* I trim my grass after I mow

* I have all my teeth

* I don't have a taxidermist

... I just don't fit in this place really well. So anyway, when one of my classier neighbors came to the door, I was surprised. As it was, she heard Evan throwing a fit and was concerned about all the screaming. Let me rewind a bit.

Evan came home from school high as a kite. Usually, he gets meds as soon as he walks in the door. Yesterday, he was in desperate need of them, so by the time they took affect, he was completely out of control. He failed to get himself to the bathroom on time (natch) and peed all over the bathroom floor. Luckily, it was the tiled hall bath, not the carpeted master bath.

I told Evan to please change his clothes and he told me no. I told him he couldn't play outside until he did. He said, "All right, I'll change my fucking clothes, dammit!" I told him he lost playing outside for his foul language. So begins the rage...

He had a Harry Potter wand/sword/something or other in his hand and was pounding it onto my new couch. I tried to get it from him, which took chasing him around the dining room table a couple of times. When I got it from him, the only thing I could do with it, was throw it out the front door. So his rage commenced at the front door, complete with kicks and blood curdling screams. The lady from two doors down came to the door, understandably concerned. I explained that Evan was reacting to being disciplined. She apologized. I also told her, because I thought it might be a good idea for neighbors to know, that Evan has a mental and behavioral disorder that causes him to behave this way from time to time, so if she hears it in the future, not to be alarmed. I hope she believed I was telling the truth. I know how it must sound. I think she's a nurse though, so hopefully she'll be understanding to our situation. After that, Evan calmed down and was an angel the rest of the day.


Being a Mommy is too hard. I didn't ask for all these challenges. I just wanted some normal kids to raise. Why did I get kids with special needs? Hey!!

Clay hopes to one day work with autistic/special needs kids... "Hey, buddy! I have a couple of kids you can work with! You can work on their mom, too!" Here could be his job description:

~ work one on one with Evan and Jameson

~ assist with homework

~ attend to daily needs

~ assist with emotional breakdowns, rages and tantrums

~ sing their Mommy to sleep

~ melt Mommy's knees with your gorgeous, pale, sparkling sexy green eyes

~ whatever else follows...

Think I could convince him?

Hmph. Well, I need to get showered and to the store for a few things. Have a good day.

8:42 a.m. - 2003-04-30


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