ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


So Damn Busy

Whew! I've been so busy, I've hardly had time to come up for air.

Friday, we got the keys to our apartment. It's a cute little place, but with the definite emphasis on little. The family room is about the size of the entryway in my current house. We'll be able to squeeze in the couch and TV, and nothing else whatsoever. The dining area is pretty good sized, but not after we put our big table and computer in it. The kitchen is okay, but extremely dated. Particle board cabinets and almond appliances should be outlawed. There's no linen closet upstairs, but each room has two exceptionally large walk-in closets. I've put all the kids clothing in one closet and still have room for alot of their toys and books. I'm putting the linens in our closet. The master bedroom has these hotel-esque nightstands built into the wall. I could do without them, but hey. It's only temporary. I've spent the last couple of days taking a little over at a time. The kids adore the place. They love the stairs, for some reason, and always pitch a fit when it's time to leave. I took some pictures and when I take them out of the camera, I'll post them if anyone cares to see them.

Friday night. Wiggles concert. Note to self: the next time the Wiggles come to town, buy tickets, find sitter and go alone so as to enjoy the show.

Yes, I'm a Wiggles fan. Not just because all three of my kids adore them, but because I genuinely enjoy them. There's no greater work-out than the Wiggles medley. The songs are awesome and the guys are pretty damn cute.

We were running late. Kevin, in his infinite wisdom, thought it would only take an hour to get from here to downtown St. Louis. Maybe at 3:00am, but not at 6:00 on a Friday night when there's a major concert and a ballgame happening. We finally got to the theater and were re-routed down side streets because of a major accident that occured right in front of the theater. I hope no little Wiggles fans were involved.

We finally found a place to take it up the ass park, for $7. We ran to the theater entrance just as the opening song was beginning. As soon as I got inside, I saw it. Something from which I will not soon recover.

Anthony had a stand-in!!

I guess doing over 500 shows a years, it's not unexpected that they would occasionally have to have someone to fill in for them. But Anthony? Of all people? I love my gorgeous Anthony Wiggle!

As soon as we sat down, Jameson froze in fear. He was absolutely terrified. He started to cry and continued to do so through the entire show. He sobbed like he'd lost his best friend and was in(un?)consolable. Griffin just wanted to run up to the stage and grab the Wiggles (like mother, like son) and wouldn't sit still through the whole show. He sat at attention through the songs, but not through the skits. He pounded on the poor man in front of us and kept sliding down our laps when we tried to hold him. Evan wanted to talk about how if he combined his polymerization card with the Oblisk the Tormentor he could beat Chris H. in a duel.

I love paying $22.50 a ticket to hear about fucking Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

Captain Feathersword, who is normally quite difficult to take, was hilarious. He did many impressions, such as Mick Jagger, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and U2. It was cool they had some humor for the adults who might not be as into Wiggles tunes, the way I am.

At one point, Jeff came through the audience to collect roses for Dorothy. He was so patient. He stopped and posed for pictures with all the snot nosed kids. (I left my camera in the car!!) The smile never left his face. He must really love kids. He passed by us and I was within six inches of him! (Dj, are you dying of jealousy yet?)

I had a blast singing along, I only wish the kids had been better behaved. But then again... they were tired and hungry. We didn't have time to give them anything more than bananas and graham crackers before we left. We stopped on the way home and got dinner. Jameson continued to cry all the way home. All 50 miles. He admitted later that the sound hurt his ears. It wasn't loud by normal concert standards, but I guess to a super-sensitive four year old, it would be.

Yesterday morning, I got all my hair cut off. I mean all of it. See what I mean...

Me before:

Me after:

Yes, I know I look ten years older, but I don't even care. There was a time in my life when vanity was priority and I would rather feel like shit than look bad. That's why I shoved my size seven feet into size five shoes and my size 16 ass into size 12 pants. But now that I'm damn near a senior citizen, I just want to be comfortable. As a hot-flashin' mama, I couldn't take frizzy, bulky hair in my face another day. I feel SO much better.

Yesterday we had a little mini-party for Griffin. I'll write about it tomorrow and post some pics, as well.

Gotta head to the "par-ment" as Jameson calls it and unload some more shit.

Thanks to everyone who posted birthday wishes to Griffey!!

7:24 a.m. - 2003-08-10


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