ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


A bit of a rant...

Check out Griffin's birthday pictures here!

GRRRRR... ! As if I don�t have enough to do. Today I have to go get an estimate on the dent in my Envoy!! Kevin was driving around the corner to the street behind us, when a little bastard (with whom I�ve had problems in the past) cast a damn fishing pole out into the street. The weight hit the quarter panel on the car putting a nice sized dent and cracking the paint. Kevin stopped (and surprisingly didn�t throttle the little fucker) and spoke to the kid�s father. The guy seemed really nice, Kevin said. He said to get an estimate and he�d pay for whatever the damage was. Kevin thinks it�ll cost about $700. The guy asked if we�d be opposed to using paintless dent removal. Kevin said he�s fine with that, except that it can�t be used if the paint is broken, which he seems to think it is. Luckily, it didn�t hit the window (it came within about an inch of the rear window) , because it would have shattered it.

The guy is positively going to shit when he sees the estimate. You watch... the guy will either refuse to pay it, or act as if it never happened. This kid (Chris) has always picked on Evan and has mouthed off to me a time or two, as well. I hope his dad strung him up by the ears after this happened. If he hasn�t yet, he will when he gets the estimate.

On a brighter note... I DROVE MY CHEVELLE YESTERDAY!!! I haven�t driven it since before Evan was born!!! It hasn�t run in a couple of years, but Kevin got it going yesterday. It fired right up, as if it was new. I drove it down to the end of the street and back. It felt so good. The rumble. The old car smell. The feel of sitting down so low. Man, how I love that car. It handles better than any new car on the road. It steers so easily and has an incredible turning radius. And damn, do I look good driving it. As soon as we get it insured and registered, I plan to drive it more often. I miss it. Here it is...

Did I mention that our buyers asked if we could close early on the house? Last week, our Realtor called and said the buyers had requested that we close on the 15th instead of the 20th. I literally had to stop and take a deep breath before I could answer her, I was so damn mad. These people have ordered the shortest escrow in the history of time as it is, then they have the hair to ask if we could bump it up even further. I told Susan there was absolutely no way on earth that we could move any sooner than we already are. The PODS unit is being delivered on the 15th and is being picked up on the 19th. They can close on the 20th, as planned dammit. I still need to come in, probably the 19th, and give this place a good thorough cleaning. They have alot of flippin� nerve, if you ask me. Stupid, presumptuous Jesus freaks. It�s especially presumptuous when you figure that our Realtor hasn�t even ordered a pay off yet on our house, because Paul and Susan JesusFreak haven�t secured financing! We told Susan (Realtor) that our mortgage company is breathing down our necks for the August payment. She said go ahead and pay it.

!HA! Yeah, I�ll do that.... NOT!

We reminded her that we authorized the pay off at the end of last month, so we didn�t think we had to make an August payment. Plus, we had to pay pro-rated rent on the apartment we were forced to rush into renting, so how the hell can we make two house payments this month?

Sorry if already mentioned all that. My mind is mush lately.

Things on my to-do list today:

~ get off my lazy ass and shower

~ go to Target and pick up Evan�s meds

~ get estimate on Envoy

~ take yet more shit to the apartment

~ call SBC and have new phone turned on

~ call CenturyTel and have old phone turned off

*Sigh* I guess I better get to that first matter now. Have a good day.

P.S. I know I owe e-mails to alot of you - I�m so sorry I haven�t written in so long. That�s why I figured I�d update this - to at least keep up to date on what�s going on here. I promise to get back on track writing as soon as we�re settled!! Love you all!

9:39 a.m. - 2003-08-11


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