ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Pools, grandmothers and laundry

We're in the midst of another heatwave. Some of the older schools that don't possess the luxury of air conditioning, are closing for the day. Thankfully, my children's schools don't fall under this category. I can't imagine having to sit in a 100 degree classroom all day, but I also can't imagine having my children home together, cramped in this less than 900 square foot box all damn day. I'm ever so grateful my kids go to newer schools.

I used the apartment pool the other night. I swam a couple of laps and floated peacefully without referreeing fights or picking up toys. It was wonderful. I plan to do it more often, before the pool closes for the season. I hate that pools out here open Memorial Day weekend and close Labor Day weekend, when the entire months of May and September are usually as hot as July and August.

I don't know what's gotten into my sweet little Griffin. He's been as bad as his older brothers lately. Last night, he refused to go to sleep, instead choosing to kick the shit out of me and pinch my boobs. I don't think he means to be viscious - he thinks it's hilarious and doesn't seem to comprehend my anger. Finally, I went and slept on the couch until he fell asleep. I can't wait until he has his own room again and I can shut the door, walk away and let him scream. It might be noisier, but at least I won't get the hell beaten of me. The terrible twos are in full force.

In October, the week of my birthday, I have to drive all three kids to Columbia to see my grandmother. This is at the request of my mom, who'll be there visiting with her sisters. My grandmother has never met Griffin and hasn't seen Evan and Jameson since they were little. If it weren't for my mom being there and getting to see her again, I'd never agree to it. My grandmother is a hateful bitch and I can't stand the thought of seeing her and driving two hours with three screaming brats, to do so. I know that's a horrible thing to say about one's own grandmother, but I can't get past some of the hateful things she's said to me and about my children and me in the past. I guess I can spare half a day out of my life, if for nothing else, to make my mother happy. I wish she (my mom) could come here instead. I'd love for her to see the house we're building and my dinky new apartment. I doubt I could convince her though, especially since she'll have both her sisters with her.

My to do list today includes: taking Jameson to school, shipping an ebay item at the post office, borrowing books and videos from the library (and paying a fine I've had for months), getting Jameson from school and (gulp) doing more laundry. God, how I hate doing laundry here! I hate hauling it, I hate having to stand guard over it so no one steals my wash and dry time and I hate having to stand in that steam bath of a laundry room. Four more months... four more months... four..

Have a great day.

P.S. Hi Ken - I know you're reading this! Love ya!

8:25 a.m. - 2003-08-26


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