ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Random tidbits

Day four of resisting the urge to drive past my old house and bitch about what the new owners have done to it!

Jameson is sick. The question is whether he's sick again or sick still. Shortly after the beginning of the school year, he caught a cold. He seemed to get better after a day or so and that was the end of it. I thought. Monday, Jameson seemed warm when he awoke. I didn't think much of it since he never gets fevers. I assumed it was the warm weather or that he may have been wrapped in covers when he slept. Yesterday, he started coughing and losing his voice. He seemed tired and fell asleep in the car, something he rarely does. Today, he's complaining that his throat hurts. Great. Tomorrow is school pictures. I paid a month's salary for these pictures and he may not even be in them.

Last night at 3:00am, while suffering from insomnia, I discovered we have a neighbor who likes the booming bass guitar of hard rock in the wee hours. Around 4:18am, I learned the name of another neighbor - Dusty. I learned this as Dusty's girlfriend/wife/mother was screaming at him at the top of her lungs, not to leave. His response?


Isn't Dusty considerate?

I could so go back to bed for a couple of hours. I'm exhausted and can barely hold my head up.

Another thing I did last night in lieu of sleep, was to think back to the summer of 1983. I was 17. I lived in Los Angeles in a great house with a pool. Everyday, from sun up to sun down, Dj and I used to slather ourselves with baby oil and lay out, poolside, to burn ourselves to a crisp. Yes, it hurt like hell for a few days, but after the burn healed, we had gorgeous tans. I can't believe we both aren't dead from skin cancer. Now we know nothing about tanning is safe - tanless lotions, tanning beds and salons and especially the sun. That was such a fun summer. I don't think life was ever as good as it was in 1983. Wow, just think... I was sunning my fat ass by the pool while Clay was only four years old!

That's your random memory for the day.

Yesterday, I went to Dollar Tree while the boys were in school. Usually the Dollar Trees are small - located in the mall or shopping center. This one was huge. It's the size of a supermarket. I loaded my cart with some things and went to the checkout. I attempted to pay with my debit card, only to be told they don't accept debit cards!! Uh. What year is this? Even I accept debit cards. How could a major company not? So, I left my cart aside and went to the bank for cash. I seldom carry cash, because if I have it, I'll undoubtedly end up in a fast food drive-thru.

While I was back in line to pay for my goods with cash, two more debit card holders had to leave because they didn't have cash. The sales associate told the manager, "We have GOT to start taking debit cards! I can't take this anymore!!"

Amen, sister.

Oh shit. Today is an early release day for Evan and I totally forgot about it. Why don't they clear this shit with me first? I don't get half days, why the hell should they?

I guess I better get up and do something constructive.

8:44 a.m. - 2003-08-27


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