ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Is it day or night?

I caved and drove past my old house yesterday on my way home from getting Evan from school. I suspect Mr. and Mrs. Weird were gone, which, for a split second, had me entertaining the though of peeking through my the windows or peering over my the back fence. They still haven't trimmed the lawn and the grass is completely dead. I try to tell myself... "It's not your house anymore, Linda... it's not your house anymore, Linda... "

I'm not sure why that house has such a hold on me. I've always been sentimenal (with the emphasis on mental) about things. That's probably why, until very recently, I never threw anything away. I had unnatural attachments to things. What is it, anyway? It's a house. It's siding, wood, windows, walls, cheap materials and shoddy workmanship. Who am I kidding - it's more than that. It's seven years worth of love, laughter, tears and firsts. It's odd when I'm back in that part of town. I feel this magnetic draw back to that house, as if the car is trying to drive itself "home". I feel out of place, as if I'm not welcome to shop in the same stores or eat in the same restaurants as I once did. Like it's not my neighborhood, so I shouldn't be there. It's their neighborhood now. Oh, don't get me wrong... the actual neighborhood isn't missed at all!! In fact, it looks worse than ever. The Chateau De White Trash now has two broken vaccumms parked in the driveway and a car up on blocks in the street. Two doors down, there's a toilet in the lawn. I guess Bubba gots hisself some new lawn ferncher!

That I certainly don't miss.

I remind myself that soon, we'll have a big, beautiful new place. Speaking of that... our basement is being poured Tuesday and our foundation will be laid one week after the basement sets. Yay!

Why is it so difficult to find sleepers for Griffin? I know I've mentioned in this diary the issue Griffin has about keeping his hands out of his diaper. I'm forced to dress him in sleepers while we're home to avoid having diaper art scattered about the walls and carpet. Not just any sleeper will do. It has to be long enough that he can't go up the legs of it and it has to zip up the leg and front, not snap. (He can undo the snaps or enter the diaper region in between them). I prefer they be lightweight, being this is summer, and with short sleeves. Even a blanket sleeper that I could cut the sleeves and feet off of would do. No place I've checked has such a garment. I can find sleepers for a seventeen year old, but not for a two year old!! If I had talent, I'd make them myself. I guess I just need to wait for him to outgrow this activity.

I found two Targey bargeys!! I got two pair of shortalls that were $14.99 marked down to $3.24 each!! And get this: they're for me! I never buy anything for myself! I so pwoud!

Wellll, it's now almost 4:30am. I need to attempt slumber. I wish my body would quit confusing night and day.

Good day! I mean... night.

4:05 a.m. - 2003-08-28


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