ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Chaos! Sheer chaos!

Remember that scene in Mr. Mom, the first day that Michael Keaton was home alone with the kids? When all the servicemen came at once, the kids were running all over, getting into everything and all hell was breaking loose?

That's how it's been around here.

The construction workers keep coming to the door to tell me things about the deck, the wood, the fence, the gate, the circuit breaker they tripped, the water, the mud, the stump that was ground... you name it. Our digital cable is still out - we're on day five of no service. This is totally ridiculous. No one can give me an answer on when to expect it back on. The guy who tried to install the pipeline last week told me that when I get my ram installed to call them and let them know and they would send someone out the same day. Well, the guy who answered the phone said he knew nothing about any "same day" installation. They won't be here until the 27th.

I hate Charter. They're the ones who gave us that awful phone service that we ended up cancelling. I wish we had other options for cable and cable-based internet.

The phone rings constantly, the kids are driving me up a wall (Evan is on cycle break until Januray 13th - boo, hoo!) and Kevin is gone all the time with Santa jobs. I need to clean this pigsty for our "guests" coming next week, but I can't get a minute free without kids under my damn feet.

Yesterday, Jameson took a nap in my bedroom. When he woke up, he decided to unwrap all the gifts my mother had sent, the ones I thought I had hidden. Not just his gifts, mind you... all the gifts. Thanks mom, for my new magnifying make-up mirror. She sent two more big boxes yesterday, so I hid them again and I'm keeping the door to my bedroom locked from now until Christmas. That's one of the reasons I hesitate to get a tree just yet. I know between J and Griffin, there'd be nothing left by Christmas - no tree, no gifts, no ornaments.

Needless to say, with a nap, J was up until well after 11pm last night. I went to bed before he did.

We rented "I am Sam" last night. Awesome, awesome movie! I love Sean Penn... as an actor, anyway. I don't care for his half-assed political views. Dakota Fanning was adorable. Makes me want to have a girl!

I think I'm going to load these little basta... uh, I mean... angels up in the van and take them to lunch. Anything to restrain them.


10:30 a.m. - 2002-12-19


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