ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


What Ails Me

I'm falling apart.

Did I tell the story about my glasses? If I did, skip to the next paragraph. If I didn't... here it is. A few days ago, I returned home from shopping and hung up my glasses on the hall tree. Okay, so this is a bad habit I never should have gotten into. I don't wear my glasses around the house, so I hang them by the door to grab on my way out. I set down a large bottle of newly purchased liquid detergent on a small side table near the hall tree. As I hung the glasses on the hook, they fell to the floor. In one continuous and unbelievable event, Griffin pushed the bottle of detergent off the table, landing on the glasses that had only just fallen.


The frames were completely flattened, the lenses popped out and the ear piece on one side broke off. Oh well. I was due for an eye exam anyhow. I was just telling someone the day before all of this, that I'm lucky I'm not blind as a bat and can get by without my glasses on the frequent occasions when I leave them behind or put them atop my fat head and forget what on earth I've done with them. Aside from a few headaches, I'm doing okay without them. I have an appointment for an eye exam.

I also need to see a dentist. Let me preface this by saying... I'm deathly afraid of dentists. I always have been, which is probably why my mother seldom bothered to take me to one. I have a receeding gum above one of my teeth and the pain is unbearable when I brush my teeth or eat hot or cold food. I have a wonderful dentist. He's very gentle and has never caused me pain, but I still can't bring myself to make an appointment. I think it's the anxiety of thinking about and dreading the appointment more so than actually going, that bothers me. So, like most of my aches and pains, I'm hoping it'll go away on its own.

I still have a cold. Everyday I feel just a little bit worse. Every night, I awaken to what feels like a faucet being turned on in my head. Watery eyes, a runny nose and post nasal drip flooding the back of my throat, giving me plenty to hack up the next day. My favorite symptom of all, is the cough. The one that starts off as a tickle then becomes ten solid minutes of hacking and wretching. My chest feels raw from all of this coughing.

Yes, I did take an antibiotic for all of this and all it did was give me a yeast infection, just like they always do. I'll not go into details on this issue.

You're welcome.

Evan started riding the small bus today. He was supposed to have started it this morning, but the bus company evidently couldn't get their shit together in time. I waited outside with him for twenty minutes before I finally loaded the entire brood up to drop him off at the door. Someone from the bus company called me at 8:36am while I was in the shower. I saw the number on the caller ID, but they didn't leave a message. (By the way... I think there's a special place in hell for people who don't leave messages, then say, "I tried to call you... ") Turns out they had come by at 8:24am to pick him up (the regular bus comes at 8:55am). Evan's teacher informed them of when he needs to be picked up, so tomorrow he'll catch bus at the end of the driveway at 9:00am on the nose. I hope.

Well, AOL is trying to boot me off, so I'll wrap this up.

11:08 p.m. - 2002-12-02


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