ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Great White tragedy

Wow, I just heard about the fire at a Great White concert in Rhode Island. Eighty six people are dead and many others are unaccounted for. It was also said that one of the band members, Ty Longley, is also missing and feared dead. I remember going to Great White concerts in the early 80s in Los Angeles. I was a groupie, in fact! We used to hang around backstage in hopes of meeting the band, which we did eventually. They were all really nice. A friend of mine, Terri M, gave them all something by which to remember her. Every single member of the band! *Ahem* Anyway... I hope they're all okay, but it doesn't look like it. How sad for them and for all the people in that club.

Evan has strep throat. I think Jameson and I might be coming down with it, too. The doctor did a throat culture yesterday on Evan and it turned positive immediately. She prescribed amoximcillan and suggested I keep him home from school one more day. He's still asleep now, but I might take him in for a half day if he's feeling better when he wakes up. The doctor said if J starts to act as if he has it, too that she would phone in a prescription for him. If Griffin gets sick though, she wants to see him since he's so much younger. So far, he seems okay. I guess I should get to my doctor, too. ~Sigh~ My throat has been killing me for a week. The appointment took longer than I had expected, so I had to call Kevin to go home and greet Jameson's bus. I never would have made it home on time. Kevin called me in the Envoy on my way home. I about wrecked the damn thing when I heard the phone ringing over the radio. I'm not used to all of this technology.

Tomorrow is Evan's birthday party. The doctor said he should be okay to get into the water if he feels like it. So far, three people are for sure coming to the party, possibly a fourth and fifth. Dontcha love the "maybe" response? I have to find out what kind of cake Evan wants and order it today. He's torn between a Harry Potter cake and a Spiderman one. Oh to be seven again and faced with such dilemmas...

Oh, and Griffin had his check up yesterday, too. The doctor said everything is perfect and he's right where he should be. The one thing that concerned her was the fact that he isn't talking yet. She listened to him "talk". All he says is "dada", but he is very expressive. He alters his tone and expression as if he's really saying something. He also seems to talk in sentences, not just a series of "dadas" over and over. He has no trouble hearing or understanding. He follows direction and comprehends, so she thinks he'll be fine. He's 26 pounds and 32.5 inches long, the 50th percentile in both. She said the same thing everyone always does when they see him: "Where did he get those big beautiful blue eyes?" Damned if I know, lady. One of these days, I'm gonna say, "From the mailman." Hehehe...

8:06 a.m. - 2003-02-21


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