ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Damn school closings

Damn. School is closed today. We got about five inches of snow last night, just enough to screw up traffic. Oh well. Nice thing is, I can take a nap this afternoon without having to worry about getting anyone off the bus on time. Oh, and... I do plan to take a nap. See the time stamp of this entry? It's 5:13am and I've been up for an hour with Griffin. I don't know if he's catching the strep throat that Evan and I have or what, but he simply doesn't want to sleep anymore. It's getting old.

We had a pretty good weekend. Saturday morning, we went up and saw our friend Pat. I hadn't seen him in two years. In addition to being a good friend, he's our insurance agent and he does our taxes! Pat wears many hats! He wanted to see the new car and take a look at our tax stuff for the year. He had never met Griffin. We grabbed some lunch on the way home, then I went out later to get stuff for the treat bags for Evan's party.

Matt and Steph came over to watch the little guys. Griffin fell to pieces, but calmed down a bit later. We went to pick up the Harry Potter ice cream cake at Dairy Queen that we had ordered, then went to the Y.

Evan had a great party. Four boys came - Brenden, Brendan, Brayden and Lewis. Robin, Lewis' mom, stayed and yakked with me while the boys were in the pool. I let Kevin have all the fun, swimming with the boys, hehehe...

After an hour or so, everyone got dressed and we had cake and opened presents. Evan got all kinds of good stuff. He liked it all. I'm glad only four kids were able to make it. I can't imagine how loud all twelve who were invited would have been!

We grabbed some burgers for us and the kids on the way home, then Kevin, Stephanie and Matt went to a bowling event put on by GMAC. I despise bowling. This is probably why I wasn't invited to come along. I wouldn't have gone, but it would have been nice to have been invited.

Yesterday, we had all kinds of plans but didn't do any of them. We were all so tired from Saturday that we lazed the day away. Jameson and I took a three hour nap. I still feel so run down, I could've slept for another ten hours. I need to call my doctor today and get some antibiotics. I may as well get a treatment for a yeast infection, too, because that's what the antibiotics will cause.

Have a good Monday - and keep your fingers crossed that I get some sleep sometime today!

I'm wearing: pink Old Navy stretched out jammies

I'm listening to: "Havenu Shalom Alachem"

I'm eating/drinking: coffee and the orange fruit loop Griffin just fed me

5:13 a.m. - 2003-02-24


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