ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Happy New Year, blah blah blah

Happy New Year!

I guess. I feel horrible today. I'm not sure why. My head is spinning and I feel nauseous. I've been in an awful mood ever since I was awakened at the crack of dawn by Griffin. I would love to be able to sleep until I wake up on my own, not when someone else decides I should get up. Maybe after the kids leave home, if they ever do, I can sleep past 6:30am.

We got another snowstorm last night, although it wasn't as bad as they predicted it would be. They were calling for 8+ inches and I think we only got 5 or so. More is headed this way, but not alot. I was kind of hoping it would be enough to keep Kevin home today. We went out last night to his office to get his laptop in case he couldn't get to work today. The roads weren't too bad this morning, so he went ahead and went in to work. I was looking forward to some help with the kids. I need to sit down and do some scrapbooking. I need to take some pictures of some things I want to put on ebay.

And I want to sleep.

New Year's Eve was okay, but didn't go exactly as I had planned. We planned to watch some of our new DVDs and munch on snacks all night. The kids had other plans for us. They were up as late as we were and didn't give us any privacy whatsoever. They kept coming into the living room and harassing us. Griffin didn't want to sleep and wanted me to hold him. I can see I need to go back to letting him cry himself to sleep as night, which I hate! A friend of Kevin's called from California and they talked for the better part of an hour, so our night didn't go as planned in any way. Oh well.

Yesterday, we hung around the house, took a nap and went to Kevin's office for his computer. Afterwards, we went to Target for milk in case this snow storm hit. I found an art case for Evan marked down to $1.66. It has 72 pieces in it - markers, colored pencils, paint, crayons and pastels, all in a handy plastic carrying case. What a deal! He had been good all day, so I bought him three packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Afterwards, I was looking at the receipt and saw that each pack of cards was $3.99!!!!! I figured they were maybe 79 cents or a dollar at the most. $3.99 for a few cards is absolutely preposterous! I told him no more Yu-Gi-Ohs, not because he's been bad, but because I'll end up in the poor house. Sheesh!

The snow started falling last night, after a half hour or so of freezing rain and sleet. More fell last night and more is expected. I hate snow. I really do. The only advantage it holds is when it gets me out of doing shit. Today, Evan was supposed to go play at a friend's house, but I don't want to chance the roads, especially with no windshield wipers to speak of. Maybe one day, I'll have wipers again.

I need to go throttle at least two of my three fighting children, so this is the end.

The End

I'm wearing: yellow thermal jammies

I'm listening to: the kids fighting

I'm eating/drinking: nothing! I'm dieting!

9:56 a.m. - 2003-01-02


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