ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Bad report cards and stuff

School was cancelled today. There's only a dusting of snow, but school was cancelled. I'm relieved, actually. Until they can get Jameson on a bus, I'd prefer not to have to go through that pick-up ritual again.

The metorologists really botched this forecast. They were calling for four to seven inches and so far, we've only gotten a light dusting of snow. The radar indicates we most likely won't get much more than what we have now. Oh well. We get to hang around and be lazy today.

Evan got his report card a few days ago. It's atrocious. The don't give letter grades in our school district. They give the following grades: E for excellent, S for satisfactory and N for needs improvement. Evan got a couple of S grades, several S- grades but mostly N grades. His weakest areas are of course, writing and anything related to it; following directions, participating in activities and completing work on time. I really need to work with him on his penmanship. He refuses to make lowercase letters and the capital letters he makes are illegible. He's so bullheaded that getting him to do anything is virtually impossible. Asking him to practice writing usually ends up with both of us in tears, it's so frustrating. I guess I thought when I had kids that things would either come naturally to them like they did to me (except math, LOL!) or that with my teaching background, I could help them through anything they had difficulty with.

Boy, was I wrong.

I've been working with Jameson on cutting. He has no clue how to use scissors. Part of it is my own fault. Scissors spook me - even the blunt nosed kiddie type ones. I've had too many things shredded. Part of Jameson's inability to use scissors is his lack of small motor skills. He just doesn't get it. He can't seem to make his hands do what he wants them to do. So we practice and practice...

I guess today would be a good day for us all to practice all the things that we need to. I really should practice cleaning this house, but I guess it can wait.

Griffin had another "I-won't-sleep-unless-you-hold-me-all-night" night. My shoulder is killing me and I'm exhausted. I know all the experts say, "Let him cry". I wish they'd offer their addresses so I could let him cry at their house!

Speaking of my shoulder... I finally received a settlement offer for my car accident. If you're a new reader, I was broadsided by a couple of kids who were speeding in the rain almost two years ago. I was seven months pregnant with Griffin and had Jameson in the car with me. I wasn't really hurt, other than being really sore in my back and torn ligaments in my shoulder. Actually, the damn airbag did more damage than anything, burning my arm and stomach. But nonetheless, it was traumatic, being concerned about Jameson, being concerned about Griffin in utero and being trapped in the car until help arrived. Not to mention the fact that were we in the process of selling that car (a '99 Lumina) so after the wreck, needless to say, we lost the profit we were going to make on the sale. The other carrier offered me a whopping $600 which is only $300 over my medical bills.

I don't think so...

I'm not a gold digger. I see enough of that because of what Kevin does for a living. I don't want to put the screws to anyone, but I think my pain and suffering should be worth a smidgen more that $600.

Shit! I forgot that a cable guy is coming this morning! They're finally realizing that there may actually be something wrong with the digital cable that's been out for almost five weeks now. You don't say....

Be back later.

10:48 a.m. - 2003-01-16


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