ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


No Pap Smear for me, boo hoo... NOT!

I had to cancel my doctor's appointment this morning. Kevin had to do some training at work that he couldn't get out of. I'm so upset to miss my Pap Smear, I could just cry. Not.

I'm going to pick Evan up from school early today, then go get Jameson from school. I think this is the best solution until they can get Jameson on a bus. I'll get Evan around 3:00pm, then go straight to J's school. That way, we can wait in the van and they bring him to me. MUCH easier than trying to hold Griffin with one hand and drag Jameson with the other, while he kicks and screams that he wants to stay at school.

I had the weirdest dreams last night. One dream was that I was on Joe Millionaire. I was the final contestant and now I had to decide whether I wanted a future with this doofas. As if he would really want anything to do with a fat housewife with three kids. And as if I would want anything to do with a guy who couldn't carry on a conversation as well as my four year old. But in this dream, I guess I was really starting to like him. At the same time, I was on this show where I had a chance to marry Kenny Chesney. I was also the final contestant in that show and I had to decided between him and Evan the bogus millionaire. I debated back and forth, then finally decided, not only did Kenny Chesney really have money, I always had a thing for him! Then I realized.... wait. I'm already married. Oh well. It was a fun dream, anwyay.

I plan to have the kids fed and ready for bed early tonight. I intend to inform them I don't want to hear a peep out of them after 7:00pm. I've been looking forward to this for four months!


Stop laughing at me. You know how much I love it. *Wink*

I can't believe the American Idol Fan Fiction story is over! What ever will I do now? Write more, Freeky! Please, I have no life, I have to live vicariously through you and your characters.

Well, I'm off to check my auctions. Have a great Tuesday.

7:52 a.m. - 2003-01-21


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