ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Winter Sucks

Have you ever heard the song, "I Believe" by Diamond Rio? If not, I highly recommend buying or downloading it. It's the most beautiful and meaningful song I've ever heard. I can't get through one note of it without bawling. It's about a love so strong it transcends all time and eternity. So go get it and bawl, nnkay?

Hmmmm... let�s see, what happened in Linda�s life the past couple of days? Oh yeah, now I remember.

It actually started Wednesday night. We got an unexpected snowfall and it made for a treacherous rush hour. Kevin was literally stuck in his office as he watched the traffic on the highway below at a standstill. I was counting on his help with getting the kids ready for bed, because we all know what I did that night, right? Right. Kevin didn�t end up leaving the office until 7:45pm and got home an hour later. Traffic was a nightmare. So I got the kids ready for bed myself and settled down to do what I do on Wednesday nights.

I was up half the night Wednesday night worrying about Jameson riding the bus yesterday. I was scared to death they wouldn�t have a car seat for him or it would be the wrong kind or would be installed incorrectly. Then when I finally did fall asleep, I had a dream that something terrible happened to Evan (not Jameson surprisingly, since he was the one I was fretting over) .

We�re having record cold temps. Yesterday's high was 7 degrees up from a morning low of -9 degrees. Currently, it's 0. I absolutely hate this crap. I don't know how people live in it all the time. Yesterday morning, after seeing Evan onto the bus, I attempted to go to the store for a few things. I went out to warm up the van and it wouldn�t start. This is the first time I�ve ever had trouble starting it. I had absolutely NO food in the house to give Jameson for lunch before he went to school. I called Kevin and told him. He said he would get some lunch and bring it to us. About half an hour later, he called me, telling me we were overdrawn in our checking account. Of course, the way he found this out was after our food was cooked and the debit card was declined when he tried to pay for it all. He even tried our Paypal debit card, but we were... get this: 25 cents short!! I only had $17.85 in Paypal (courtesy of a batch of non-paying cocksuckers I dealt with on ebay!) and the total for lunch was $18.10!! I told Kevin if he knew how close we were, he could have given the quarter and had enough for lunch, LOL!

Anyway, the reason why we were overdrawn was because of Matt. Damn kid. Kevin fronted him the money for his airline ticket to go to California when Mack died. Matt never paid him back. I thought he had, because he promised to last Friday. Thinking we had �X� amount in checking, I paid bills. Kevin started to say something about me booking my airline tickets to CA in April being the reason for us being overdrawn, but I stopped him. That had absolutely nothing to do with this.

So Kevin came home and we had a welfare lunch - noodles and applesauce. It�s all we had. We barely had enough time to get Jameson ready for the bus. I had Kevin go out with me to get J onto the bus. I was scared to death about the possibility of having to confront them about the car seat. I had reason to be afraid. Even though there were two empty car seats, they started to put him in a regular seat with a seat belt! Even if I weren�t so �anal� about car seat use, the law in Missouri is four years/forty pounds. He isn�t forty pounds yet. I told them I have to have him in a car seat and they said okay. The seat they used was a Century something or other with a five point harness. It didn�t fit in the seat as well as I would have liked, but I could tell it wouldn�t fit any better. It was only restrained with a lapbelt (that�s all they have on the bus) . I�ll have to ask Brandee if that�s okay! I told them to take his coat off before strapping him in, because they weren�t going to do it otherwise. They got him strapped in (and I strapped him in tighter!) and he was on his way. The para told me before they left that she would have to check with the office to see why they weren�t told we had requested a car seat. That bothered me.

First of all, you shouldn�t have to request a car seat. For one thing, it�s the law. And even if the child was older than four or heavier than forty pounds, it should be required because it�s what�s best. Another thing that bothered me is, if they didn�t know Jameson was to be in a seat, but they had two empty seats before J got on the bus, did he take a seat that belonged to someone else? I would never be able to live with myself if some other child got hurt and J was spared because they put him in a seat meant for another child. But I couldn�t live with myself if J got hurt either. I also have to wonder... when the other child got on the bus, did they move J out of the seat thinking I would never know he didn�t ride in it?

Okay, call me paranoid. But this is my child!

While Kevin was home, he managed to get the van started for me. After Jameson got on the bus, Griffin and I went to Sam�s. I love Sam�s. Not only do they have everything under the sun that one might need... they also take their sweet time in taking checks to the bank! So off I go on a shopping spree with my cold blooded van and a slow check.

I renewed my membership card and bought a few things we were out of. Griffin fell asleep in the van on the way home. (Yes, the van started at Sam�s! Thank Goodness!)

He was still asleep when we got home so I laid out a blanket on the living room floor and put him down to continue his nap. I tried to do some scrapbooking, but I noticed that the last page I had done had come completely undone. All the glue had lifted from the page, presumably since I had been keeping all my supplies so close to the heating vent in my bedroom. So instead of spending the afternoon scrapping, I spent it rearranging my bedroom.

At 4:05pm, Jameson�s bus arrived and Evan�s pulled up right behind it. Griffin woke up as we came in the house and ~*BOOM*~ my quiet time ends. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

I was so tired last night, I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30pm. I haven�t done that in ages. I didn�t even get to watch House Hunters!

Well, my coffee is done brewing, so this is the end for today.

I'm wearing: blue flannel jammies

I'm listening to: the morning news and Griffin trying to wake up his brothers

I'm eating/drinking: my freshly poured cup of coffee... Mmmmm!

6:18 a.m. - 2003-01-24


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