ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary




Where were you born (city or state or just country)? ~~~ central Missouri

What is your favorite number? ~~~ 25

Vanilla or chocolate? ~~~~ chocolate

In what section of a bookstore would I find you? ~~~~ crafts

What kind of mattress do you have on your bed? soft? firm? water? ~~~~ It's the worst mattress on earth. It was a pillowtop, but we cut it off when it became misshapen. It's now lumpy and soft.

Laying on your back and facing the ceiling, which side of the bed do you sleep on? ~~~~ left

Do you have to have covers (blankets and/or sheets) at all costs, no matter the weather? ~~~~ Yes, although if it's warm, I'm likely to toss them aside until I cool off

Sleep naked or no? Why? ~~~~ No, I get too sweaty. I need fabric on me!

What's under your bed? ~~~~ A couple of spare blankets and dust bunnies

If you have pets, do you let them sleep with you? Why or why not? ~~~~ My cats sleep in the basement. I don't like them being on the bed, because they would sleep on my neck!

What's on top of your refrigerator? ~~~~ A knife block and two coloring books

What's your favorite meal of the day? ~~~~ Any meal I don't have to cook

Wash dishes by hand or in the dishwasher? What detergent do you use? ~~~~ I wash the kids plastic cups by hand but everything else goes in the dishwasher. I use Electrosal tabs for the dishwasher and whatever's cheap for dishwashing liquid

How often do you eat out compared to eating in? ~~~~ We eat out two to three times a week

How do you plan to spend your weekend? ~~~~ Getting things ready for my garage sale, doing the last little bit of sprucing up before listing the house for sale and fighting with my DH and kids (it's inevitable)

What's your favorite time of day? ~~~~ Early morning

What's your least favorite time of day? ~~~~ 5:00pm. The kids are fussy and I have to think about what on earth to make for dinner

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Does it cause any problems? ~~~~ I'm usually a morning person, but at times, I'll be awake far too late. Yes, the sleep problems I wrote about yesterday

If you had an entire worry- and obligation-free day, what would you do with it? ~~~~ "Obligation-free" ... I don't get it. Oh, you mean like before I had kids! I would sit on my ass at this computer without anyone making me feel guilty for it

Do you eat breakfast? What did you have today? ~~~~ Usually. Today I had ham and a banana

What beverages do you usually have in a typical day? ~~~~ I drink massive amounts of coffee, caffeine free diet coke and occasionally, water

White bread or wheat bread? ~~~~wheat

What's your favorite kind (potato/tortilla/corn) and flavor of chip? ~~~~ potato. I like Monterey Jack Lays

What toothpaste do you use? ~~~~ Whatever's cheap

What color/brand is your toothbrush? I buy whatever's on sale. Right now I have a purple Oral-B

Do you use mouthwash? ~~~~ No, should I?

What gum/breath mints/breath spray do you use? Is this a hint? I like Extra winterfresh gum

More big ass survey answers later.

12:02 p.m. - 2003-07-11


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