ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary



Since my neighbors are impeding my attempt at slumber, I'll answer some more survey questions:

Name five things in your refrigerator ~~~~ I just went shopping, so there's a bunch in there. Milk, juice, soda, tortillas and grapes

Name five things in your freezer ~~~~~ ground beef, chicken, chicken nuggets, Boca burgers and hot dog buns

Name five things under your kitchen sink ~~~~ garbage bags, dishwasher tabs, sponges, rubber gloves and scrub brush

Name five things around your computer ~~~~ printer, pictures of the kids, CDs, notepads and my cell phone

What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? ~~~~ I read Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets to Evan. Yes, it rocked my world.

What's your favorite book of all time? ~~~~ Uuuuuhhh...

What's the worst book you've ever read? ~~~~ Uuhhh... Linda isn't a reader

What book that you've read would you most like to see adapted into a movie? ~~~~ How about Captain Underpants!?

What did you have for dinner last night? ~~~~ Barbequed turkey sandwiches, potato salad and cole slaw

Do you ever get up for a midnight snack? ~~~~ Nope

What's your favorite dessert? ~~~~ Chocolate chip Cheesecake

Tell us something about you that would surprise us ~~~~ I can fold a fitted sheet into a perfect square like no one else on earth

If you were to go to a movie this weekend, which one would you pick? ~~~~ There's nothing out I want to see

What movie would you like to rent this weekend? ~~~~ There's nothing to rent that I want to see

What one TV show do you always try to watch? ~~~~ American Idol, DUH!!!

If you (and your S.O.) were cool with it, what five celebrities (at the most) would it be 'ok' for you to have a fling with ~~~~ We have an agreement about this... Clay Aiken, Clay Aiken, Clay Aiken, Jimmie Johnson and Clay Aiken

What did you want to be when you grew up? ~~~~ Disc Jockey, paramedic, interior designer, real estate agent, graphic artist... I wanted to be all kinds of things. Look at me now. I clean smeared shit for a living.

Do you have any nicknames? ~~~~ Lindy, given to me by someone from my past.

If you could change something about yourself what would it be? ~~~~ Physically? I'd have my boobs reduced.

Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial ~~~~ OMG, yes

What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? ~~~~ Uuuhhh, I can't think of anything, other than Taco Bell hot sauce straight from the packet

Name one (material) thing you can't live without. ~~~~ Either my scrapbooks or my computer

Name something you've always wanted to do but didn't have time for. ~~~~ Learn to paint with watercolors

What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do? ~~~~ Skydive

What was your biggest accomplishment this year? ~~~~ Being approved to buy a new home

What was your biggest disappointment? ~~~~ My (and Kevin's) steady weight gain

Whew! That's it! Supposedly another big ass survey is on its way to me, so I'll be posting that when I get it. I wonder if my neighbors will allow me to get some shut~eye yet? See ya tomorrow!

11:32 p.m. - 2003-07-11


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