ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


We're for sale!

The sign is officially in the yard. Tomorrow the house will pose for pictures for the bro-SHEERS. Sunday is our first open house. I'm getting a kick out of seeing the neighbors drive by with their mouths hanging open (more than usual) at the sight of a "for sale" sign in the yard. Remind me to tell you all tomorrow how the kids behaved while we met with the real estate agent.

Here's a link to pictures of the new place. Bear in mind two things...

1) This is a model home. Our home will be identical in structure with some notable differences. I've already deleted several gusetbook entries from people telling me they don't like my dining room wallpaper or asking me where my washer and dryer are.

2) I can only upload six pics a day, so only a few of the pictures are up as of now. Don't ask me why I have no pictures of the bedrooms, nnkay? Check back tomorrow and for the next few days to see the remainder of the pics. Enjoy!

8:54 p.m. - 2003-07-14


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