ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


What a day

Yesterday was another "hang around and not do much" day.

I talked to my mom on the phone, as is typical for a Monday or Friday, while I watched the kids play in the backyard. I went on a diaper run to Tar-Ghay and had the usual "I want to sit in the cart/I don't want to sit in the cart" dispute. Something tells me Evan will be in college and will be fighting me to sit in the shopping cart. We also had the "can we look at the toys" fight, which I surprisingly won. It inevitably leads to the "can I have a toy" fight, so I was glad to be victorious for a change.

I made the mistake of taking the boys to walk through the model of the house we're hoping to buy. Evan and Jameson were good, it was that baby who had me pulling my hair out. All he wanted to do was climb up and down stairs. Finally, I just let him. I figured it would be a good test for how well he handle stairs if we end up in that house. He did okay. I like that the stair case is segmented, so if he plunges down, he only goes down six or so, instead of the steep 16 we have in this house.

The house got the boys' seal of approval, especially the large loft area that would serve as their playroom. While attempting to get Griffin to exit the home, he managed to twist my glasses into a knot. Little shit. That's what I get for taking him out at naptime.

I then drove up to the part of town where we hope to build this beautiful home. There's a new park just across the way from the housing development. This park is huge. It has two large play areas and a fitness park, with balance beams, pull up bars and other equipment totally foreign to this couch potato. I let the boys get out and run around for awhile. After fifteen minutes or so, I coralled them back into the car, because it was getting quite warm and I didn't have sunscreen on them. Griffin once again was less than pleased with my decision.

I dropped an earnest deposit off to the salesman at the housing development and drove my tired guys home.

Oh! I totally forgot to mention what happened before all of this! You'll love this...

I needed to take a shower, so I got all the guys together in the playroom (our master bath is off the playroom). I had the phone with me because I was waiting for Kevin to call me about what the mortgage banker had to say about what our chances are of buying that house. I took my shower while the boys played. Afterwards, I tried to leave the room to get myself dressed.

The door wouldn't open.

Now, we've been having trouble with this damn doorknob (and most of the others in this piece of shit house) sticking. This time it was stuck worse than it had been. I couldn't get it to budge at all!! I tried and tried and it wouldn't move. I called Kevin and said, "Don't yell at me please this isn't my fault could you please come home and let us out of this goddamned room because we're trapped!"

After a few choice words of profanity, Kevin came all the way home from work to let us out. He couldn't open the door from the other side either, so he took the entire knob arrangement off with a screwdriver and we were free at last, free at last.

I'm so very thankful that:

~ Kevin was in town. If he had been gone, I can't imagine how I would've gotten out, because no one else has keys to the house.

~ I had the phone with me. Otherwise, I would've had to either bust the door down or jump naked from a second story window and bust a window to get back in. That or wait until 6:00pm when Kevin came home from work to discover me naked and his kids passed out from starvation.

~ The kids were in the room with me. Can you imagine if Griffin was alone in the house while I was trapped in the bedroom?

~ The kids were out of school. What if I was trapped in the room and they were arriving home from school? They'd be left to wait outside alone, not knowing what was going on.

I shudder to think of all that "could have been" because of that stupid piece of shit door knob provided by the substandard builder who built this dump.

Last night we had some bad storms, that surprisingly I slept right through. We got up to find our patio furniture looking like some kind of satanic ritual had taken place. The table had flipped up and over one of the chairs and was sitting sideways in the chair. If I hadn't seen it, I never would have believed wind could do such a thing. It was the damndest thing I ever did see.

I bet you think I make all this shit up, dontcha? Floral delivery fuckers taking swings at me, getting trapped naked in my own home and poltergeist patio occurences.... it does sound like a bad fiction novel.

I hope today is uneventful. I'd love to have a nice boring entry to give you all tomorrow.

Have a nice, boring day yourselves!

8:28 a.m. - 2003-06-10


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