ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Busy busy busy

I don't think I ever worked as hard as I did yesterday. All day, it was non-stop. I was awakened at the crack of damn dawn by a kicking child. (I have got to get this kid out of my bed!) The phone never stopped ringing all day long. The first call of the day was from Evan's summer school teacher. As soon as I saw the number on the caller ID, I said, "Oh shit... " He informed me that Evan had unknowingly been taking the wrong bus to and from school. *Snort* Well, there's only one bus that comes down our street and Evan's the only kid in the neighborhood who goes to summer school. The bus even stops in front of the driveway. He told me that Evan needs to take the "individual" bus. That's the politically correct way of saying "bus for bad kids". So yesterday, we waited outside for the "individual" bus.

It never came.

I loaded up the other kids, one of whom was still asleep, and we drove Evan to school. When I got home, there were four messages on my voice mail. One call was from Evan's pediatrician. They were calling to cancel yet another appointment. This kid turned seven in February and he'll be in college by the time he has his seven year check up. At first, I was quite confusious. They told me Dr. Zachary had a meeting and needed to cancel the appointment (they did this the last time I had an appointment with them, too) At first I thought... we don't even see a "Dr. Zachary"! You people are so fucked up! Then I remembered that our pediatrician recently got married. Her new name is Dr. Z. So, it is I who is fucked up.

But you knew that.

The bus company called to say the bus had broken down and they'd be here in an hour or so. Shit, like I'd leave Evan home that long.

Stanley Steemer called to confirm their appointment for today and to give me a window, naturally right in the middle of the damn day. Because of this, I'll be taking the kids in the car and driving around for several hours until they're finished and the carpet has a chance to dry to least somewhat. After that, no one will be allowed to eat, drink, walk, puke or perform any other function on this carpet. It'll be good practice for when we move.

I haven't called the realtor yet. Frankly, I'm scared. It's all so final, ya know? I'm still convinced Kevin is going to call and tell me the whole house deal has fallen apart in our faces. This is, after all.... US!! Things don't work for US!!

Another trip I made yesterday was to Target. I seem to say that everyday, don't I? Poor old Target would likely go out of business if I were to drop dead. I had to buy a new toothbrush for Griffin to replace the one I just bought him over the weekend, because someone stuck in it the toothbrush holder upside down. I don't even want to think about all the nasty shit that lives in the bottom of the toothbrush holder. When we were done shopping, I headed for the checkout, when the announcement came over the loudspeaker...

"The front doors have been locked. We have a missing child alert!"

A woman went past me, hysterical. An employee was telling her to go the front of the store immediately. She asked the hysterical woman what her child looked like and what he was wearing. She couldn't remember. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Shortly thereafter, said child reappeared under a clothes rack. Whew. I wasn't going to leave until I knew they found him, even if they would've let me out. He was a cute little guy. I wish people would secure their kids in carts. Two years old is far too little to be wandering the store alone.

Afterwards, I went to Lowes to buy some more plants. We had been there over the weekend and I wanted to get the rest of what we needed to fill the planter. Last night, after the sun went down, I planted some of them. What a bitch that was!! I'm so sore today, I can barely move.

I also painted Griffin's closet doors, windowsill and moldings yesterday. I had previously tried to paint over a scrape mark and had painted it the wrong color. Who would have thought there were so many versions of "bright white"? It looks much better now.

Today, I have to move furniture in preparation for the carpet cleaners. I'd also like to get some more deep cleaning and paint touch up done. I'm gonna be so busy the next week or so.

Then I guess I'll call the realtor. But I'm still scared.

Evan has one more chance to behave at summer school or he gets thrown out. They have a five level discipline system. He's blown the first four chances and next time he acts up, he gets tossed out. I told him not only will he lose the $100 gift card the school offer him as incentive, but if he gets thrown out, I'm putting him to work. He won't have a summer vacation. God, I wish he'd learn to control himself.

Well, I better get to all this work that awaits. Good day, all!

6:47 a.m. - 2003-06-17


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