ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Don't fuck with me... not today.

Not a day to fuck with me. You've been warned. In addition to riding the crimson wave today, my kids begin cycle break for the next three weeks.

It's 9:32am and I'm already ready to jump off the roof. The kids have been fighting since the very second their eyes opened. I should have filled that prescription for Zanax. Celexa isn't giving me the "the world sucks and isn't a fit place in which to live, but I don't give a rat's fat hairy white ass" euphoria I was hoping it would. All it really does is give me headaches. Combine that with the headaches my kids are giving me and I'm ready to be committed.

This all started last night... (well, it actually started June 1, 1995, when I said, "Let's try again! I'm ovulating!" but I digress.) I am sleeping so poorly. One reason is these damn kids who don't want to sleep at night. Jameson wanders into bed with us and tosses, turns and snores like a buzz saw. Griffin will then cry and want to come into bed with us, so we have get Jameson up and back into his own bed. Griffin will then pick up where Jameson left off tossing and turning. He also adds kicking and head-butting for added fun! Nothing like being kicked in the tits by a bucking bronco or butted in the stomach by a solid steel head at 4:00am to turn your mood sour for the day. Then when said child wakes up for the day at 5:20am, and refuses to even allow you to take a piss, you're destined for a shitty day.

Another reason why I'm sleeping like total and complete shit, is our bed. It desperately needs to be replaced. We bought the mattress and box springs in 1992. The rails are bent and the casters are broken off. The mattress was a pillow-top that we had to cut the top pillow off of when it was permanently flattenend by us two above average weight people. My shoulders ache and my back is stiff. My arms go numb and even my feet hurt because of this awful thing. I get a better night's sleep sleeping sitting up on the couch, fully clothed with the TV blaring.

Evan's conference was this morning. Like Jameson's yesterday, I was left wondering which child they had mine confused with. His teacher said Evan is doing wonderfully. He's really improved his behavior the past couple weeks, especially, which I find particularly fascinating. He's been atrocious at home the past couple of weeks. WTF? I guess I'd rather have him behave better for other people, but shit... I'd like a break, too from his abuse.

The teacher said Evan struggles in math (he comes by that honestly ~ I SUCK at math) and that his handwriting is improving. It's still not where it should be. I'm disappointed that neither of my kids inherited the one talent I posess... artistic ability. Maybe it'll come to them in time. She told a story about Evan that made her chuckle. She said she took him to the gym for some type of jump-a-thon they were having. They didn't want Evan to experience sensory overload, so they only allowed him to watch, not participate. They walked in the gym and Evan said, "Holy shit, there's alot of people in here!" Mrs. K said she tried so hard to keep from laughing because that's exactly what she was thinking!

I have to go beat my children. Just kidding. Don't go call the authorities or anything. Talk to you all later...

9:32 a.m. - 2003-03-14


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