ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Monday. Pfffft.

Today is the 18th anniversaryof me buying my Chevelle! Happy Anniversary, Gunnar! (Yes, I named my car. Get over it.)

I'm starving. I'm desperately trying to lose weight for my trip a month from Wednesday. I have no willpower and no restraint. I'm trying to sustain myself on a Slim Fast shake and half a banana until lunch when I get another Slim Fast shake and some yummy raw carrots and fat free dressing! Mmm! <~~ insert sarcasm here!

I despise raw carrots, but on the rare occasions that I do manage to keep them down, they tend to fill me up. Why is every commercial on TV for food? Or is it just my imagination?

The kids were absolutely out of control this weekend. I don't know what their problem was. All they did was run around like psychopaths ~ yelling, screaming, jumping and fighting with each other. Nothing would calm them down. I tried to hand Kevin my resignation, but he wouldn't accept it.

We went out to dinner Saturday night. We, along with everyone else in the free world, went to Sweet Tomatoes. We cruised the parking lot for forty-five minutes looking for a parking spot. Not a good spot... a spot, period. The restaurant shares space with a movie theatre and everyone and their brother must have been in the theatre, because the restaurant actually wasn't too bad. I thought the kids might be okay in a place like that, where we serve ourselves and don't have to wait to eat. Ha. Evan and Griffin weren't too bad, except for Griffin's kicking a dent in my leg all evening, but Jameson was the real beast. I bet I said, "Stop sliding in your chair!" fifty times. I foresee an ADHD diagnosis in our future, because this child simply cannot sit still. Not for one single second.

Saturday afternoon, Evan had a friend over to play. That went okay. Jameson wanted desperately to play with the "big guys" and wouldn't give them a moment's peace, so I took him to the library. He ran around the place like a prisoner set free. I should weigh 100 pounds as much as I chase that child around.

Oh shit. The tornado siren is being tested right now. That's right... it is the first Monday of the month. Why bother to test it? It's going to be winter forfuckingever!!

I saw a report on 60 Minutes last night lambasting SUV owners. The report said, among other things, that SUV owners support terrorists because of their fuel comsumption. I suppose all the hypocrites involved in conducting this article walk to work everyday. I also was offended by the assumption that all SUV owners purchase their vehicles strictly for status symbol purposes. Could it possibly be that I have three children still in car seats and needed the room an SUV provides? I just love being reduced to a social streotype. It's no different than if I were to say that all minorities are criminals. Except that I don't have a "group" to support me. Funny that this study was conducted by Dr. Rapai, a well known, outspoken activist quack. Kevin was forced to attend some of his seminars through GMAC. It's obvious why they can't pay Kevin what he's worth when they're pissing money away to a crackpot like Dr. Rapai. He accused me and others like me of living excessively. They showed his home in New York, the bastian of capitalism that it is. Ironic how he never gave a second thought to all the trees that were chopped to make room for such a monumental home. What about all the material used? And electricity to operate the tools? I hate people who spout off their political diatribe with no basis or foundation for their opinions whatsoever. I especially hate it when their hyposcrisy shows through.

*Puts her soapbox away*

Kevin had another run-in with the "cut-through-our-yard" gang. The ringleader, a smart mouth little bitch about 16 or so, told Kevin that as nasty as I was to her, it made her want to stomp through the yard all the more. I asked nicely once. After being told, "Fuck you, fat bitch... " I kind of took the defensive. Forgive me. She claims she can't walk behind her own house because there's mud there. Well... in that case, be my guest! Walk through my damn house if it's easier for you! In fact... why not take my car to get around the neighborhood! I wouldn't want anyone to have to walk through mud! I must have forgotten that mud in other people's yards is


Grrrr... I hate people.

Have a good Monday. Better than the one I'm having.

8:26 a.m. - 2003-03-03


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