ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Parenting: real labor

Being a parent is so hard.

Sometimes I just want to give up. I'm sure it's just a matter of the kids and I all being stir crazy. This has been the longest winter on record and we're all feeling the effects. The kids want to run around in the warm sunshine and try out their new backyard. I'm wishing for that, as well. What I'm trying to say is that the kids have really been behaving horribly lately. Yesterday, Evan had a particularly rough day.

He woke up right away. Usually, it takes me forty five minutes and several threats in order to get his lazy butt out of bed. Yesterday, he shot right out of bed without a fight. I guess he was saving his strength for all the fights to come. He refused to eat breakfast. For forty solid minutes he not only refused to eat, he wouldn't allow us to take his food away, either. Finally when his Captain Crunch had become one with the bowl, I took it away. Evan threw a fit. (By the way, it practically took a chisel to get that shit off the sides of the bowl! Imagine what it does to the lining of the stomach!)

Then Evan refused to get dressed. I had to issue threats with every article of clothing. "You have twenty seconds to put on your underwear, or you lose videos for the rest of the day... " He fought with me and called me names every step of the way. Finally, he's dressed and ready to go. The bus arrives and we're standing in the yard waiting to let Evan board. Suddenly, he annouces, "I want to take my Yu-Gi-Oh! cards to school." I told him he couldn't, because he'd miss the bus if he went back in for them. He dropped to the wet ground, crying and screaming. He refused to board the bus. I was mortified. I stayed calm and explained to him that he was making the bus driver wait and all his friends were watching. He didn't care. The bus driver was even calling him to hurry up and get on the bus. It finally took me picking up all 66 pounds of him and physically placing him on the bus. Of course, I was in sock feet, pajamas with holes in them, no bra so my big ol' boobs were bouncing all over the place and my hair in frizzy spikes all over my sorry head. What a site for the public to see!

Evan was home again by 1:25pm, courtesy of the much-hated "half day". He proceeded to pick up where he left off, promptly upon walking through the door. Every other word out of his mouth was:



balls (not the plyaground type, mind you)

nuts (not Planters, mind you)




With the occasional:




...and for emphasis, even a:


I'm ready to put these children up for sale. When Jameson came home from school, Evan's first words to him were, "Shut up, Jay!" before Jameson even had a chance to say a word.

This marriage and family thing has been fun, but I think I want a refund.

Evan also said something yesterday that really stung. He was telling me that he planned to check out another Harry Potter book from the school library. I asked him why he wanted to do that when he had all the HP books here, courtesy of Grandma. He said that if he has them at school, his para could read them to him since I never have the time to.


~ Find sharp knife

~ insert slowly into heart

~ plunge through to spine

~ twist in a fierce side to side motion

~ add salt to taste

~ or simply tell her she never spends enough time with you

I feel like I'm in a no-win situation. If I spend all the time with him that he and the other boys request, then laundry, dishes, bills, dust bunnies and filth pile up. If I keep bills paid, errands run, dishes washed, rooms cleaned and laundry washed, folded and put away, then everyone complains that they get no time from me. There simply isn't enough of me to go around. What no one seems to realize, is that I get less time than all those other things/people combined. I'm trying to be a supermom, a supermaid and a superwife, but I'm not me anymore. If I try to take more time for myself, everyone complains and I feel guilty. I can't win.

Even on the rare occasions I take a few minutes for myself, I'm usually throwing another load of laundry in the washer, putting dishes away with my feet while I answer the phone or changing a shitty diaper on my way to read three words of a magazine article before all fucking hell breaks loose. The last time I dared to sit in a hot bubble bath, I had to get up exactly eight times... eight times to referree fights or fetch shit for my three ingrate leaches.

Okay, that was my vent for the day.

Now onto AI commentary...

CLAY RULES!!!!!! Wasn't he awesome? He sounded incredible!! I was in tears! He has the most amazing voice! And is it me, or is he getting better looking every week! He is so adorable. I think I'm in love. (Yeah, yeah... so he's practically young enough to be my son)Now I can't decide between Josh and Clay for who should go all the way. (To the top spot, that is... ) No, it has to be Clay. Josh can be second.

Well, boys and girls, I need to go check on all my auctions closing this morning with no bids!! Waaa-aaah! See you tomorrow..

I'm wearing: grey sweats and pink shirt

I'm listening to: well, I'm imagining it, but Clay is singing to me and only me! Hehehe...

I'm eating /drinking: bagel with fat free cream cheese (still dieting! After two whole days!)

9:07 a.m. - 2003-03-05


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