ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary



Good morning!

For a change, I was up, showered and ready to go quite early this morning. I have some errands to run, including shopping. I was supposed to go yesterday but had a change of plans. I need to search for some lightweight, one piece jammies for Griffin. He has an issue with keeping his hands out of his diaper. He likes to rearrange "things" down there and ends up soaking himself. We must nip this in the bud. Something tells me finding what I'm looking for will be a difficult task.

We spoke to Evan's doctor yesterday about adjusting his meds a bit. He's really having a rough time here at home. Robin, his teacher, says he's doing really well at school aside from being a bit wild in the afternoons. This is one of the changes we need to make. I'm tired of him blasting through the door every afternoon like an F5 and disrupting the household. Why is he good at school, but I get the brunt of the misbehavior at home? The weekend is coming up and I'm having panic attacks about it already. Please keep your fingers crossed for peace in the House O' Dysfunction this weekend.

Jameson is having a circus at school in a couple of weeks, as opposed to a preschool graduation. He has requested to go as a clown, but we're instructed not to buy costumes. They want something made from what we have around the house. Hmph! Like I'm creative... gimme a break. Oh, look what I found "around the house"! A $20 bill! I'll use it to... oh, let's see


I can't sew, I have no talent and I recently went through this house and threw out all unused shit, so what else on earth could I use to make a clown's outfit? I could put lipstick on his nose, that's about the extent of it.

I talked to Kevin about the possibility of us getting a housekeeper. He agreed. I just can't stay on top of it. Everything I start remains incomplete because the kids are always interrupting me. Some days, it takes me the entire day just to pick up. Deep cleaning would be out of the question. I used to have the cleanest house of anyone I know. I'd like it be that clean again.

Well, I need to head out to run my errands. See y'all later. Oh, and Danielle ~ I know it wasn't you at my other diary! I have that Danielle's IP address. Enjoy your Krispy Kreme lotion! Isn't it great?

9:35 a.m. - 2003-05-23


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