ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Any Other Monday

It feels like any other Monday around here today. Kevin went in to work and took Evan with him. I like that. Monday holidays always have me screwed up the entire remainder of the week. Maybe this will help.

We made plans to go to RibAmerica last night. Or was it Saturday? Must have been Saturday. We decided against it because of the spot showers that were in the area. I figured it was just enough rain for the majority of the vendors to pack up and leave. That would be all we would need ~ to get all the way to downtown St. Louis with three kids in tow, only to find three or four vendors remaining. Two of my favorite eighties bands (Shooting Star and Night Ranger) were scheduled to play, so I'm sorry we missed that, but with the kids along, I doubt I would have enjoyed it much. Instead we went out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes with Matt and Stephanie. We had a really good time. The kids were good and didn't trash the place. Usually, having the kids along in a restaurant is our calling card. Food on the floor and stuck to the walls, dumped drinks on the table, cracker crumbs everywhere, handprints on the walls and glass picture frames... it's all a sign of our patronage. We may as well spray paint, "Evan, Jameson and Griffin were here!"

Anyway, they were good and it was nice to have Matt and Stephanie's help with them so we could actually eat.

We had planned to do some things around the house, but none of it seemed to happen. The kids are so demanding, we never get a thing done anymore. Yesterday, we went to Costco with Matt and Steph. We bought some scallops to barbeque. They came over to eat with us and watch the race. While we were barbeque-ing (how on earth do you spell that?), the kids played in the yard. For some reason, our barbeque isn't working. We've had it for ages and I think it's just plain worn out. It holds no heat at all. We ended up cooking our food in the oven.

Jameson came up to the deck and was sitting down. All of a sudden, he starting screaming a blood curdling scream. He said his finger hurt. I looked at it and saw a small round prick mark. His finger was a little swollen and quite red. He told me a bug hurt him. I thought... oh shit, a spider bite! We found a huge spider on the patio, but he swore up and down it happened on the deck. After a thorough investigation, I've deduced he has nothing more than a splinter from the deck itself. I don't even think the splinter stayed in his finger, because I couldn't find a thing with all my poking and prodding. I soaked his finger in warm, soapy water and put a band-aid on it. Why do kids think the band-aid is the end-all, be-all cure? They could have shattered limbs after being hit my a train and all they would request is a band-aid, preferrably one with characters on it. Anyway, his finger looks fine today and he even ditched the band-aid sometime in the middle of the night.

Evan encountered a snake the other day. We were out playing in the yard, when he hit his ball over the fence. Our house backs up to a street, so we have a gate along the back fence. He went out and walked along the fence to get into the neighbor's yard to get his ball. A few seconds later, I hear him scream, "MOMMY!!! H-H-HEEELLLLLLPPP!!!" I went out the back gate and saw him sitting on a tree stump alongside the fence by the street. I asked him what was wrong and he stammered, "S-S-S-SN-SNAAAKE!!" I figured he only saw a twig or something. I mean... I love this kid dearly, but he's the biggest candy-ass known to man. I looked (from a distance!) and looked, but didn't see anything. Then I saw a big, black snake uncurl itself from under Evan's leg. I... uh, pardon me while I do a full body shiver...


Ahem, sorry. I get the heebie-geebies just thinking about it. I told Evan to get up and run. Is that what you're supposed to do around a snake? I don't even know. I figured it made more sense than sitting there, sniveling. He said, "I C-C-C-CAN'T!!" I told him if he stayed there, the snake might bite him in the butt.

That did it.

Evan shot off that stump like a bat out of hell. We both ran like hell to get the ball, then ran like hell back to the yard, via the middle of the street, as far away as possible from the fence. I swear, our yard is like a biblical nightmare. I figured Evan would dream of snakes for the next few weeks, but he says he hasn't.

Our DVD player is broken. I only bought this Goddamn thing in November and we really don't use it that much at all. Kevin suspects Griffin fucked it up. He tends to blame the kids for all the things that happen around here, but in this case, I think he may be right. Griffin's always dicking with it. I doubt it's worth fixing, if it would even be possible.

Well, I'm gonna jump in the shower and get dressed. I'm hoping when Kevin comes home, we can go look at some houses they're building nearby.

Have a great Memorial Day!

9:50 a.m. - 2003-05-26


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