ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


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We didn't get to look at houses yesterday. The development was closed, even though I distinctly remember reading in the paper Sunday morning that they would be open Memorial Day. Hmmm. I'm getting really antsy to move to a bigger place. I love this house, especially with all the improvements we've made lately, but we're bursting at the seams here. We have 1,700 square feet, three bedrooms and an unfinished basement. I'd like a place with at least one more bedroom and a large, finished area we could use as a playroom. These kids have so much shit and we simply don't have the room for it all here. As I've mentioned in the past, Kevin and I are in the small bedroom in the front of the house. I don't mind it, because I would rather the kids have the bigger space than to have to try to fit all their toys into one of the smaller front bedrooms. It bothers Kevin though, that we gave up our nice big master bedroom. I would love to have a bedroom big enough for a little reading area someday. I also want a bigger closet! Our's is useless

I've been checking on some of these "how much house can you afford" mortgage calculators online. According to the one on realtor.com, with Kevin's income, our monthly debt and what we have to put down, we could afford a $208,000 house.

Oh, puh-leeeze...

I realize it's based strictly on a percentage of your income. Your house payment can't exceed 28% (or something) of your monthly income. But we're paying more than that now without any problems. I guess we might have to get a second in order to qualify for a bigger mortgage, then refinance.

Another factor to consider... our credit still has some glitches showing. We've paid all our debt and have written letters of explanation for the things that remain, but the stuff doesn't seem to be coming off the report as quickly as it went on. I think far too much emphasis is placed on the credit score. Good, hard-working people are denied mortgages (or forced to pay outrageous rates) because of stupid, insignificant glitches on their credit report, that may or may not even be accurate. It's ridiculous.

As much as we want to move to California, I think if it happens, it's years down the road. In the meantime, I hope we can get into a bigger house here that better suits our needs for the time being, rather than stay cramped up in this place waiting for an opportunity to present itself on the west coast. My brother has said that as soon as his FIL retires and lets him and my SIL run his businesses, he'll let Kevin be in charge of one. It would be a great money maker, but it won't be for several more years. I would love to live in California and have a closer relationship with Trevor and Dana both.

I don't think we'd have any trouble selling this place, even though houses in this neighborhood don't typically sell well. Our neighborhood is primarily considered a "starter". The houses are small - ranging in size from 1,100 square feet to 1,700 square feet. Many of the residents don't take pride in their property. At the entrance to our street, we have:

~ a rusted old swing set sitting unused in a side yard

~ tires stacked in a driveway

~ a car battery that's been at the side of a garage since 1997

~ broken tipped over planters

~ and a car trailer housing the shell of a car up on blocks.

That's only the first house.

It doesn't get a whole lot better after that. No one, and I mean no one in this damn neighborhood trims their lawn after mowing. What the fuck is the point of mowing, if you don't trim afterwards? I was out in my yard, nine months pregnant two years ago, mowing and trimming every week. The asshole who lives next door to me mows religiously every week. His lawn looks awesome. He only trims twice a year. He has grass three feet tall alongside his house and weeds a foot tall in his driveway. Funny thing is, this guy is Mr. Treadmill. We always see his silhouette in his front bedroom, walking away on his treadmill to keep in shape, but he's too fuckin' lazy to stand alongside his house with a string trimmer (which I know for a fact he owns) for ten lousy minutes. It infuriates me. Everyone in the niehgborhood is much the same way. I hope it doesn't affect our chances of selling. With all the upgrades we've made, I bet it sells. If my hoosier neighbors prevent us from selling, I'm personally suing every one of them and the homeowner's association, as well for not enforcing the convenants.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. Moving is only something we're thinking about at this point.

Today, I'm going to the outlet mall about 40 miles from here to do some shopping. They have a Carter's outlet and a couple of "gift" type stores that have lots of lighthouse stuff for my bathroom, which I plan to finishfor sure this coming weekend. I must. I've put it off long enough.

Well, I need to dry my hair and get on about my day. Take care.

8:27 a.m. - 2003-05-27


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