ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Not again...

It almost happened again. Remember my ebay fiasco? I received yet another attempt at my personal information. I got an email yesterday from "[email protected]" requesting that my user name and password be updated. Suspecting it was another scam, I entered a bogus password and sent it back. It told me my info was now updated. I immediately went to ebay and tried to log on with my real password. It went right through. This confirms that the e-mail was a scam. I forwarded it on to ebay and explained what had happened. Please remember... if you receive anything from ebay asking for any personal information, it's a scam!! Ebay would never ask for passwords or other personal info in an email.

The day before yesterday, I listed my American Idol tickets for sale on ebay. It's been several months since I listed anything for bidding. The guy who stole my identity still had all his information saved on my account. When you list something for sale, ebay remembers your info and sets it at a default for the next time you list an item for sale. I was disgusted to see all of his settings saved on my account. It was like walking through your house that had just been robbed and seeing the burglar's footprints all over your carpet.

I ended up having to pay the listing fees from when that guy listed things for sale on my account. I tried to explain to ebay that these charges were from back then that whole disaster took place, but they were threatening to suspend my ebaying privledges if I didn't pay them. It was less than $2, so I just paid it. I'll take it up with them later.

Now I just need to unload these tickets. I'll probably end up selling them for less than I paid for them. I need to get something for them though, or Kevin'll never let me hear the end of how he bought two sets of tickets.

I'm so proud of Evan! He won an award at his art fair! He brought it home yesterday. It was a painting of purple flowers. I'm going to take a picture of it to post here. He won a purple ribbon. This is quite a feat for Evan, whose small motor skills have always been behind where they should be.

I have to go to Wal~Mart today to get what I need to make Jameson's clown costume. He's the second act in the preschool circus! I can't wait to see him perform!

'Tis all for today.

8:36 a.m. - 2003-05-30


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