ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


As the Lasagna Bakes...

I forgot to mention that yesterday I cleaned the kids' playroom more thoroughly than I have in ages. I took apart every piece of furniture and scoured it. I dusted the inch~tall pile of dust on everything. I vaccummed baseboards and underneath every single piece of furniture. Everything in the room got disinfected and doused with Lysol. All toys were sorted, reorganized and had their batteries replaced. While cleaning one of the room's three windows, I found an infestation of ants. I took the vacuum hose and sucked 'em right up. More ants surfaced. I vaccummed them. Even more ants surfaced. I sprayed them with PineSol (it's all I had) then vaccummed them. I think I finally conquered the little fuckers. If there is a god and I do meet him one day, the first thing I plan to ask is, "What is the reason for the ant? Tell me one purpose they serve and don't say 'so you know where the piles of shit are' like Kevin always tells me."

I wiped a variety of snot~like substances off of many of the toys. Some toys that were hidden behind some of the storage bins were covered in what might have been chocolate or.... might not have been chocolate. At any rate, the room is spotless again. I hope it stays that way. I can't believe that when I did home daycare many years ago, I used to disinfect the toys daily. Daily! Now I'm lucky if I do this ritual once every four to six months! But then again... the kids I had then, I was able to send home at the end of each day. No such luck now.

I went to Wal~Mart today and got the stuff needed to make Jameson's costume. I bought a red t~shirt and matching sweatpants, some fabric paint (the paint I had was all dried up), some pom~poms, fabric glue and some fuzzy blue slippers. I plan to put small pom~poms on the slippers to look like big, floppy clown shoes. I bought a bike horn for him to toot at people. I got some red yarn and a cloth visor, so I can make a hat with "hair" for him to wear. I wish I had gotten a different color yarn though. I got a bright red that kinda clashes with the darker red of the outfit. Me and colors, ya know.

A lady behind me in line told me I had the most beautiful little girl she'd ever seen. I should have asked her to which of my sons she was referring, but I simply said "Thank you". People are always confusing Griffin for a girl, with his long eyelashes and big blue eyes. I guess it really is time I get him that haircut.

Kevin got more info about that job in California, including the lame ass salary. I don't know how they expect people to support families on such insulting, miniscule wages. Especially in southern California, where the cost of living is double where it is everywhere else. But... if the salary included his company car, a moving package and all his same benefits, I guess the high end of the salary range would be acceptable to start. I don't mean to sound greedy, but my husband is damn good at what he does and he deserves to be compensated for it. We have a family of five to feed, after all. Kevin would also try to get a tech job at Irwindale Raceway, which is right down the road. He would love to do that again. Then all I would have to do is convince my parents to stay there and not move to Texas! Waah! That would just be the rat's ass having them another 1,000 miles away after all the years I tried like hell to get back to where they are!

Kevin is working late tonight to catch up on work, Evan is watching the pay~per~view Harry Potter movie I just bought him for having such a good week and Jameson and Griffin are watching a video in the spotless playroom. I have lasagna cooking in the oven and the laundry is all caught up. I said the laundry, not the ironing. There's always something better I should be doing. But this is more fun.

Have a great weekend, all and I'll update in a day or two.

5:38 p.m. - 2003-05-30


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