ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Jameson's party and stuff

Yesterday, I went to Jameson's class for a party they were having for all the Moms. Kevin came home early to watch Griffin for me so I could go. Oh how I wish I had a babysitter during the day so I didn't have to rely on him. He left work about half an hour later than he had planned, so I barely made it to school on time. Grrr...

All the work to straighten my hair was for naught. It was quite humid, courtesy of the impending rain, and my hair kinked up like a bad perm. *Sigh*

I walked in the room while the kids were doing a math project on the floor. Jameson saw me and hollered, "THAT'S MY MOM!" at the top of his lungs. Mrs. K, his teacher, said, "I can tell! You look just like her!" (He does)

We had a mother/child dance to "YMCA" and "The Twist". Some of the kids' moms weren't able to come, so I "adopted" a couple of kids (Ashley and Tori) to dance with me. Jameson was so sweet ~ he kept inviting momless kids to dance with us. Tori is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen in my life. She's bi~racial, so she has the most beautiful "coffee with cream" skin color and she has, I swear, silver eyes! She is absolutely exquisite. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

We did an art project with the kids, listened to a story, had cake and lemonade and opened the gifts the kids had made for us (a notepad with a decorated cover). I asked Jameson if he wanted to come home with me or ride the bus. He insisted he wanted to stay at school, then ride the bus home. I'm so glad he likes school.

One little boy's mom didn't come and he was so upset about it. I kept thinking... what on earth could be more important than being at a party your child is having for you? Poor little guy.

I stopped on the way home at Target for diapers for Griffin. I thought about going to a couple of stores I'd been wanting to visit, while I was childless, but it was getting late and I wanted to get home to see the kids off the bus.

Kevin resumed his side job that has been plaguing our driveway for a week. This piece of shit Volvo has been one headache after another. If Kevin never takes on another mechanical job, it'll be too soon for me. I hope he charges out the ass for this thing.

Matt and Stephanie came over to bring a tool Kevin needed for the piece of shit. I was on my way out to Applebee's to get dinner, so Steph came along with me and we bought them dinner, too.

When Steph, the kids and I were sitting down to eat, the welder the guys were using in the garage blew a circuit and shot out the lights in the dining room and kitchen. Never a dull moment around here. They got it fixed and we were able to eat by light like people of this century.

Kevin came in and gave the kids a shower. I watched House Hunters, then went to bed.

Today, I plan to be lazy. I have some laundry to do (what the hell else is new) and that's about it. My wrist started hurting again yesterday, so I want to take it easy today.

Guinea pig update: Since Evan has been such a heathen lately, I told him he can forget getting a penny gig until he can prove he's responsible enough to care for one. That includes not beating the shit out of his brothers and calling me stupid. He's been really good today, but then again, it's only 8 in the morning.

See y'all later...

8:18 a.m. - 2003-05-09


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