ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


What to do?

I may be receiving an unexpected gift for Mother's Day. Please note my sarcasm. Kevin has been asked to do "cat duty". This is an insurance company term for catastrophy duty. It seems the GM plant in Oklahoma City was destroyed by the recent tornado. They need people from GM to go and inspect the damage. It would pay Kevin time and a half. Kevin did this a couple of years ago when a big hailstorm hit here. He ended up making several thousands of dollars over his regular pay for a month or so. This time, cat duty would only be for a week or so, but it would take him away from home.

I'm not sure I feel up to handling the kids all alone for a week, especially with my wrist hurting me the way it has. I'd have to cancel working as a parent helper at Jameson's school Tuesday because Kevin wouldn't be able to stay with Griffin. One thing I thought about doing is this...

Going with him. I'd take the kids, of course, but it would mean taking them out of school for a week (only two days for Jameson). I'm not sure I want to do that. We'd also have to take two cars. Kevin would need his car during the day and I would have to have something to fart around in with the kids during the day. I'd go insane stuck in a hotel room with those kids all damn day, as would they.

We wanted to go to OKC this summer anyway although, with all the tornado damage, I'm not even sure what attractions are even still standing. Kevin would be working from sun up to sun down, so there wouldn't be much time for vacationing.


I don't know. I hate the thought of being cooped up in this house having to care for the kids 'round the clock by myself. It might be nice to get away, even if it isn't much of a vacation.

I guess I'll discuss it further when Kevin gets home. If he does have to go, he'd be leaving Sunday. What a Mother's Day for me. Not. But the money would be incredible.

5:06 p.m. - 2003-05-09


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