ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Monday, Monday

I feel sorry for Evan's teachers today. He's been up since 4:00am and was full of piss and vinegar all morning. All he did all morning was tell me to shut up, pick on Jameson and call everything stoooooopid. I've never been so happy to put him on the bus!

The construction guys are outside right now measuring for our new deck and fence! Yay! I'll finally have a backyard for these kids to play!

Friday night we had the kids pictures taken. It didn't go as badly as it could have. Do you know how hard it is to get three kids to all look in the same direction and smile at the same time? The shot we finally ended up with had Evan looking like a doofas, grimacing in pain and Jameson leaning to one side with a shit-eating grin and Griffin looking like he was filling his diaper. Whatever. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. Since Griffin had never had a professional picture taken in all his fifteen months, I had a few individual ones taken of him. He wouldn't smile, because he was scared to death of the photographer, but he does look sweet in them. I bought the biggest package available. I get them back November 27th. I had her put the pics onto a disk, but it was blank when I got home. She told me that sometimes the security detector things when you exit the store will erase the disks. That must be what happened. So I need to go back today and have her put the pics back on again.

My weird kids... Griffin built an elaborate ladder to reach the forbidden chocolate cookies in the pantry and is now covered from head to toe with chocolate. Jameson is wearing a pair of yellow Playtex rubber gloves, drinking juice and watching Barney with no pants on. I hope the deck/fence guys don't come to the door.

I started my Christmas shopping! I bought a John Deere ornament for Stephanie and Matt. This Goddamn ornament cost $17!! Jesus! I can see I'll go broke this year on gifts.

Kevin reconfirmed this weekend why I want out of this marriage. I was sitting (oooh! God forbid!) yesterday listening to a CD and reading my American Idol book (thanks Deena!) I had something in my eye and was rubbing it. I told Kevin, "I have something in my eye." He said with disgust, "Yes... JUSTIN!" I guess my sitting around on a Sunday doing something I enjoy is a major infraction in this house. I should have known better than to relax on my only day "off". Fucker.

I had my first ebay complainer. She didn't leave me negative feedback, but she complained about the item she bought. She's the one who asked if she could pay me late, then didn't wait for an answer and bid anyway. Well, she paid me and I shipped her item, which was a mens flannel shirt. I bought the shirt for myself, but it was too heavy for me. She wrote and said that the shirt had extraordinarily short sleeves and they came up to her husband's elbows. My first thought was - screw her. The sleeves were fine when I wore the damn thing. Then I looked at the picture and the sleeves did seem short. So I wrote back and told her I was sorry for her inconvenience and that if she returned the shirt to me, I would return her money including her return shipping. I guess I was in a charitable mood. That and I desperately want to save my feedback rating! She was thrilled.

Well, Griffin's chocolate is spreading about the house, so I better go clean up.

Have a great Monday and Happy Veteran's Day!

9:00 a.m. - 2002-11-11


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