ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Miscellaneous Stuff

My favorite song today: "I Believe" by Diamond Rio (a real tear jerker!)

Happy Birthday, Jessica! Have a great day!

Kevin is finally home from his business trip to North Carolina. He had to go do some training on a program that he implemented. His company (GMAC) flew him out and spent a fortune on the tickets. They paid $795! Kevin found a flight online for $340, but GMAC insists that the travel agent they use provides the best deals available. Not only did they pay out the ass for these tickets, they had him going from St. Louis to Cleveland to Detroit then on to Winston-Salem! He had to backtrack, then change planes twice! He literally could have driven there in the time it took him to fly. And the first two legs of the trip were on commuter planes! He had to go back through Detroit on his way back, but at least he got to sit in first class.

His plane was an hour late arriving in St. Louis. I should have called to see if there were any delays before I left to pick him up. I arrived at the airport at 7:30pm. I had the kids fed and dressed for bed and it's a good thing I did. I parked in the curbside drop off lane to get him so I wouldn't have to unload the kids, who by this time were sound asleep (except for Evan was annoying the hell out of me with stupid questions). This bitch of a parking attendant came up to me after I had been parked there for 45 minutes and said, "You need to pull through and circle back around. You've been here for ten minutes!" (The limit to park there is five minutes) I said, "Where have YOU been? I've been here for 45 minutes!" Kevin had called my cell phone and was on his way out when the bitch made me pull away and go all the way around! I got in the wrong lane and ended up all the way in the Southwest terminal and had to go all the way around. I was so pissed at the broad. I HATE airports. I will not do the airport pick up again! Grrr....

Kevin's already booked for Santa gigs. He's meeting with the owner of the Santa company today to get his schedule. For those of you who don't know, Kevin plays Santa at private parties and clubs during the month of December. The owner told him there's a shortage of natural bearded Santas this year, so he'll be so busy he'll have to take time off from GMAC, which suits him just fine. He'll even be working Christmas Day! He asked me if that would be okay and I told him absolutely! He'll be making almost $200 an hour Christmas Eve and Christmas day. The rest of the month, he'll make about $100 an hour with tips. Oh, how joyous the season!

I'm beginning to think the pediatrician is correct in presuming something is wrong with Jameson. I think I really should take him to a neurologist to be evaluated. I just hate the thought of having two kids with neurological brain disorders. I think I just want to sit here in denial a little longer. I just can't face any of it right now.

I had nightmares last night about what that freak Michael Jackson did with his baby yesterday! What an asshole! What the hell was that all about, anyway? I keep seeing that little guy's leg folding atop that ledge. Doesn't he know how easily that baby could've toppled over the edge and fallen?? And then to LAUGH about it! I hope they charge him with child endangerment! Psycho freak...

I watched a story last night about the McCaughey septuplets turning five. I can't believe how cute they all turned out! Considering the gene pool from which they had to draw. Bobbi McCaughey has got to be the most unattractive woman, even with her teeth fixed. I'm glad the kids are happy and healthy. They sure are cute!

The cold I've been trying to catch for a week has finally arrived. I feel like shit! I want to call in sick! I bet it would go over like a turd in a punch bowl if I went and took a nap, huh? How could I possibly fetch, fix, get, clean, cook, rewind and perform all my other slave duties while resting?


9:18 a.m. - 2002-11-20


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