ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Grrr...... !

My favorite song today: "She Was" by Mark Chesnutt

My kids have gone on a sleep strike. Evan was up the majority of the night and refused to stay in his own room. He is terrified of night anymore. I don't know what to do. I can't believe he didn't collapse at school today. I bet he didn't get two hours sleep all night. Griffin has elected to sleep poorly lately, waking up crying every couple of hours and Jameson... well, he never did sleep well. It's back to being a three ring circus around here at bedtime. I'm exhausted.

I still feel horrible. I want to take a scalding hot bath and sleep for a week. In a different house, perferrably.

I went grocery shopping today. I actually sat down and planned a menu, clipped coupons and made a shopping list. Now we'll see if I can actually prepare the meals I planned. My kids have other plans for me at 5:00pm, like getting under my feet while I try to cook, fighting with each other about the dumbest of shit and whining until I give in and take them to McDonald's.

I'm furious with Stephanie right now. I hope she doesn't come across this diary now that it's unlocked, but I have to write about this. The more I think about it, the madder I get. Two weeks ago, she asked me what our plans were for Thanksgiving. I told her we hadn't made any, but that we wanted to get together with her and Matt. She said that would be fine, because her mom wasn't going to be around (she's going to her sister's) so she and Matt could have Thanksgiving with us. We kicked around the idea of going out, but thought that the kids might be too rambunctious. She suggested she and Matt cook something and bring it over to us. I said that would be nice and that maybe we could split up the cooking and do more of a potluck-type dinner. We kind of left it at that and didn't make any firm plans. It kind of bothered me to hear her say that since her mom was busy, they could spend the say with us, as if her mom got first dibs on time with them. What, if her mom wasn't busy, then screw us?

Yesterday, Kevin said he overheard Stephanie at work talking to her mother about getting together with her for Thanksgiving. WTF?

Today, before I went grocery shopping, I wanted to know where things stood with them, so I called Steph to ask what they wanted to do. She was on another call, so I called Kevin and talked to him about it. By then, she was off the phone, so he asked her. I heard her going on and on about something, but couldn't tell what she was saying. Kevin came back on the phone and said, "We're on our own." Turns out, she made plans to go with her mom to her aunt's house. She told Kevin, "I kept waiting for Linda to respond about Thanksgiving and she never did!"

EXCUSE ME? This is my fault? I thought we did have plans! They were coming here for Thanksgiving. Period. There were only details that needed to be ironed out, but the fact that we were getting together was FIRM. And why was the ball in my court? She can't pick up a phone and ask me what the final plans were? She can't pop me an e-mail? I do have three kids to raise and a house to take care of. I didn't realize there was an expiration on our tentative plans.

As usual, Matt gets no say in what they do for the holiday. She runs their relationship and she runs him. We haven't seen Matt on Thanksgiving Day since 1995, when we went out to California to visit him. Doesn't she think that his first year back he might like to spend some time with his family? They go to her mom's and aunt's CONSTANTLY! Well, tonight Kevin talked to Matt on his way home and told him how we felt. Turns out, Matt knew NOTHING about going to Stephanie's aunt's house next Thursday. He still thought they were coming here. Typical. She makes all the plans and doesn't even consult him, let alone give him input. So Matt talked to her about it, they got into a knockdown drag out fight and she's at her mom's house now! I don't know whether she even came home tonight.

One of the things Matt told her was how unfair it was to pin this all on me. She knows how busy I am with these kids. I've been swamped with stuff this past week. Evan's bus suspension resulting in me having to take him to school and pick him up, meeting to re-evaluate his IEP so he can ride a different bus after the suspension is lifted, helping him with homework, staying up all night with him while he's afraid of every damn thing under the sun... Then there's Jameson, who's had appointments with preschool to develop his IEP (two kids with IEPs - waaa-aaah!), not to mention his atrocious behavior lately. I've been dealing with Griffin and his non-stop fussiness, diaper rash, teething and refusal to eat, PLUS, I have been just a tad busy with all this fence/deck/refinance hoopla. Add to that all the cooking, cleaning, errand running, shopping, bill paying, and other miscellaneous crap around here. Pardon me all to fucking hell for not making Thanksgiving plans my first priority.

Today, I asked Kevin if he could pick Evan up from school, because A) I had to go grocery shopping and I knew that by the time I got the younger kids fed and cleaned up, after I ran my other errands, it would be right about the time I had to pick him up and B) picking him up with Griffin and Jameson in tow is a pain in the ass. So Kevin picked him up for me and brought him home. Kevin is so far behind at work from taking two days off for his business trip, that he had to go back to work after bringing Evan home.

I didn't feel like cooking, so I thought I'd run out with the boys and pick something up. I got the harebrained idea that we would go get something and show up at Kevin's office to surprise him with dinner. I went through the drive thru at McDonald's and got dinner for us all. I had to wait fifteen fucking minutes for my chicken sandwich. They brought it out to me and we were finally on our way. I got to his office and planned to call him from my cell phone and tell him we were downstairs. Well, those of you who call my cell phone know what happened next...

- - - Dead battery - - -

I can't just go into his office, because it's on a secured floor - you have to have a pass to obtain access. I thought, okay, I'll just go into the lobby and call him from the house phone. No. They lock the outside doors to the building at 6:30pm. It was now 6:33pm. Mind you, I now have three children, two bags of rotting fast food crap and a drink carrier toppling soda all over the ground. It's about 37 degrees and the wind is blowing like a motherfucker.

Stopping to kick myself in the ass a couple of times for ever thinking of such a stupid idea, we then proceed to the parking garage where I desperately hope we can access a phone to call Kevin. The only doors from the garage to the building are locked and passworded. Shit! Luckily I see someone coming out of one of the doors and he's kind enough to buy my story of trying to get to the second floor to see my husband. I get to a pay phone and call him to tell him we're downstairs. He meets us out front (another trek through the cold winds). He sees the McDonald's bags and says, "Oh! I had McDonald's for dinner, too!"


Soooo... we went upstairs with him and I tried to eat while chasing three kids (okay, two kids. Evan sat still and got greasy fries all over Stephanie's desk, LOLOLOL!!! Hehehehe... ) Finally, Kevin decided to call it a day. He couldn't get any work done with the Heathens from the Hinges of Hell running around, screaming like banshees.

Now everyone is asleep. I should be sleeping, too but as usual... I can't. There's just too much on my mind. Tomorrow morning when my work day begins bright and early, I'll regret staying up, but for now I value my alone-at-the-computer time.

I'm off to see if Freeky has updated her American Idol Fan Fiction story. G'night!

10:58 p.m. - 2002-11-21


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