ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Lazy and sick - that's me!

I'm having a lazy day, so I don't have much to write about. It's 5:44pm and I'm still in my pajamas! I started taking an anti-biotic last night and I think I feel worse today than ever. I didn't do much of anything today, except a bit of cleaning up here and there and a load or two of laundry. I should go take a shower after I type this.

Evan is having a rough day. He had a couple of rages that we were able to talk him through. During the first one, he hit me across the jaw. The entire right side of my face went numb and I thought... grand! A broken jaw! It feels better now. He was excellent all week at school, so I guess he's entitled to fall apart a little on the weekends.

I took a nap a bit ago and woke up having a coughing fit. I'd probably still be asleep had it not been for Griffin waking me up. I wonder what it's like to wake up on your own? I don't remember...

A rather cute guy came today to grade the backyard. It's not level, but it doesn't have that dip in the middle that it used to. When he was digging, he found a large stream of water on one side of our property. I knew it! Didn't I tell you I thought they had built this dump on a spring of water? We've lived here six years and have never had to water the backyard. It's always moist, even during 100 degree drought conditons. So now our backyard is nice and smooth for when they built the fence and deck next week sometime.

Debbie called Kevin last night. Debbie is Kevin's ex and Matt's mom, for those of you who don't know. Her cancer is back with a vengeance. She had beat breast cancer a few years back, but now it's in her spine and liver. I truly hope everything works out for her. I've never been her biggest fan, but I don't wish her any harm. This hits a little too close to home. She's only 41!

I ordered two Clifford videos from half.com a few days ago. Today I got a package with two videos in it. Turns out, with one of the sellers, somehow I had ordered two of the same video. Well, today the package arrived with two different Clifford videos in it - one I had ordered and one I already have. So I put it back for sale on half.com since it's a pretty rare one. It's brand new, still in original packaging! Let me know if any of you have would be interested in buying it! I'll give you the link.

Gotta run - I hear a fight brewing...

5:44 p.m. - 2002-11-23


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