ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Feeling Sorry for Linda...

Happy Monday!

We were expecting our first snowfall of the season last night and luckily, it didn't happen. We're supposed to get hit again tonight with an even stronger storm. They expect several inches. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen. I truly hate snow. I love to watch it falling on Christmas Eve, then I wish it would melt the fuck away and not come back until the following Chrsitmas Eve.

I'm not even sure why I'm sitting here updating, because I have absolutely nothing to say. Oh well, it keeps me from doing housework.

I decided to take the easy way out for Thanksgiving. I found some trays of frozen side dishes at the gorcery store that looked really good. I bought cranberry stuffing (to which I'm sure Kevin will add oysters), sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. I bought a Mrs. Smith's pumpkin custard pie and a tub of Cool Whip. I've ordered a honey baked ham. There I'm done. Since Stephanie won the fight the other day with Matt and they'll be at her aunt's, it'll just be us. I can't believe Matt allowed her to do what she did. He supposedly "laid the law down" to her and told her this was the last year that she would make plans without consulting him. He told her has family here, too and he wanted to spend some time with us. Little does he know that this is/might be/may have been my, Jameson's and Griffin's last Thanksgiving here. If I were leaving, which I'm not sure about now.

That's an entire other entry and I won't bore you with it.

I was hoping to do some shopping the day after Thanksgiving, but I think Kevin has to work. Starting this weekend, he'll be busy doing Santa gigs, so I have no idea when I'll get any shopping done. It would be nice if Kevin and I could go out shopping together... alone. But that would involve asking Stephanie to watch the kids, which I don't want to do. She's so bitter about being a "free" babysitter, so I wouldn't want to burden her. Please note the resentment in my tone, nnkay?

That's another thing... Monika, a girl Kevin works with, is giving her twin sons a birthday party in a couple of weeks. Jameson is invited. Stephanie told Kevin she's going to pick him up and take him to the party so I should have Evan off doing something so he doesn't see her leaving with Jameson, otherwise he'll get upset that he wasn't invited to the party.


Hold the phone, please! What makes her think that I wouldn't want to take my own son to the first birthday party to which he's been invited? And what makes her think that she has to come up with a plan to keep Evan from getting upset that he wasn't invited? That's typical of her - she feels she has to run everyone's life. As it turns out, Kevin has to work that day, so I probably won't be able to take Jameson to the party. I don't want to ask Stephanie to watch the other boys and she's probably going to be at the party with Monika anyway. I have a hard time figuring out why they're friends... Monika is old enough to be Stephanie's mother. Neither one of them seem to want anything to do with me, but I'm okay with that. When either of them do ask me to do anything, it's only because the other of them isn't available. I'm everyone's second choice. It's like that everywhere. The only reason anyone contacts me is because their better friends aren't available or they aren't speaking at the moment.

"I'll call Linda, the old standby replacement friend!"


I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself today. Don't mind me. You weren't going to, anyway. Pffft.

12:41 p.m. - 2002-11-25


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