ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Peace, finally

I'm feeling a sense of calm today.


After agonizing for weeks, I've finally made a decision concerning my life. I announced it at dinner last night...

"How would you all feel if I decided to stay and not move to California?"

Evan's reply was: "Ah, man! I wanted to go to Vacation Station! Shoot!" (He knew that he would get to go to after school care if I wasn't here to take care of him during the day)

Kevin's reply was: "I couldn't ask for a better Christmas present."

I talked to Larry yesterday and explained how difficult a move would be for me. I told him that the kids were taking this far worse than I had expected. He said he understood, but I'm not quite sure he understood that I had made a decision not to move. I guess that will need some further clarifying. I know my choice to stay will hurt him. It hurts me, too. I really thought I had a life ahead of me in California. But I think this is for the best for all, including Larry. He was gracious enough to open his heart and his household to three additional people. While he might have thought it would have been something he could handle, it would have been a major lifestyle change for him. I hope he can forgive me...

I would like to write more, but I need to run and pick up the kids Christmas pictures. I'll post some when I can!

9:32 a.m. - 2002-11-27


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