ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary



You're all dying of suspense, aren't you?

Well, here it is, step by step:

*She writes while her ears are ringing like telephones*

AWESOME! The concert was awesome and the seats were awesome!

5:00pm - I put on my outfit. I LOVE this outfit. As much as it isn't "me", at the same time, it is me. I love brown, I love suede and I love paisley, so I felt really comfortable in it and not so much like I was in costume, like I thought I would. I had set my jacket on the plant shelf beside the bathtub in the bathroom while I was getting dressed. When I reached for it to put it on, I snagged it along a corner molding on the shelf and ripped the sleeve. I was so pissed. It could probably be repaired easily, but that isn't the point. I wanted everything to be perfect.

5:30pm - Matt and Stephanie arrive to watch the kids.

5:40pm - We leave! We drove to the Metrolink station, so we wouldn't have to drive the rest of the way.

6:15pm - We get on the Metrolink and for the first time since I've been taking it, I actually got to sit down. When we use it for going to ballgames, the train is always packed and I always have to stand. Chivalry is dead when you ride public transportation. Men don't offer their seats to ladies anymore. But anyway, that wasn't the case last night. The train was empty and we had our choice of seats.

6:45 - We got to the Savvis center. We approach the front doors and see the sign that says... "No cameras allowed! Only instamatics and disposables, no digitals or camcorders" I said fuck that. I hid the camera under Kevin's coat and said, "Uh, no" when they asked if we had a camera. We found our seats, which were awesome! We were just to the right of the stage. I suspected we would be right behind speakers, which we kind of were. But unlike days of old, the speakers were short and didn't hinder the view any. It just made for a very loud night for this old woman and her even older husband. We were maybe six feet from the stage.

When I had gone to concerts in the past, they didn't have the barriers they do now. If you had front row, you were right up against the stage. No more. There was a fence and a few feet between the stage and us. That and a couple of big ass bouncers.

I was surprised to see that we indeed were not the oldest ones there. There were children as young as about five (!) there with their parents and we saw one couple, I swear to god, in their sixties! I thought they must be there with their grandchildren, but they weren't! Maybe they were the parents of one of the performers?

7:30pm - After consuming some fries and a diet coke, we settle into our seats and wait for the show to begin.

7:45pm - Late! Waaa-aaah! Finally, the lights go down and everyone starts screaming. This is the first concert I've been to since... Iron Maiden, maybe? Or was it Queensryche? At any rate, it's been at least ten or eleven years since I went to a concert and I was excited!.

They played some video clips from the show, then each of the top ten came out individually to perform.

10. EJay Day Wow, has he changed his look! He used to have dark brown curly hair and now it's straight and blond. He sounded great! I have always loved his voice, but thought he lacked the stage presence needed to be an idol. He sure had presence last night! He was great.

9. Jim Verraros He did a pretty good job last night. He was never a favorite of mine, but I enjoyed his song.

8. AJ Gil Again, he was never one of my favorites, but he did a good job and was fun to watch. Later in the show, he smiled, winked and waved at me so he scored some ponts with the old broad in the front row! :)

7. Ryan Starr Let me first say... I would give everything I own to have a bod like this woman! She is built like a brick shit house! And in person, she is truly gorgeous! She did a great job and sang a song I've always liked.

6. Christina Christian If this girl weighs 90 pounds, it's a miracle. I've never seen anyone so small in my life. She was beautiful, as always and did a great job performing.

5. RJ Helton I have always really liked RJ. I think he has a fantastic smile and awesome eyes, as well as a magnetic personality. He sounded awesome last night. I hope he goes far, because he really deserves to. I kind of have a little miniature crush on him. :)

4. Tamyra Gray Another tiny little 90 pound woman! She looked and sounded amazing. I love her!!

3. Nikki McKibbin "Up next... the luckiest woman alive!!" You know I'm not a Nikki fan. I thought she sounded horrible and looked worse, but I tried to applaud her as I did the others. I wouldn't have wanted to be in her position and see people in the audience sitting there with their arms folded. Besides, I was excited thinking about what was to follow... !!!

Well, that's it folks! Thanks for reading!

Just kidding.

2. Justin Guarini He was elevated onto the stage from beneath. I jumped up and leaned over the retaining fence and a fat ass bouncer make me step back, the fat son-of-a-bitch. Justin sang, "Get Here", one of my favorites of his. I was in tears of joy and my face hurt from smiling so big.

I was a little disappointed that he stayed in the center of the stage and didn't "mingle" with the crowd a little more. He looked exhausted. He sang well, but didn't interact too much. He looked alot younger than he does on TV. He was gorgeous. I can't believe I am so completely and totally infatuated with someone who's twelve years and two weeks younger than me!

Justin then announced Kelly. Kelly looked and sounded great, as usual. One of the things I have always liked about Kelly is that she seems so real. Unlike the other girls in the top ten, she is of normal size! She's not pudgy, by any stretch, but she's a hell of alot more normal sized than the others. She commented on how LOUD we all were and said we were the loudest city they've been to. Uh uh sure. I bet you say that to all the crowds.

Kelly called for a brief intermission (a first in all my years of concert-going) of twenty minutes.

Kevin went and peed and called the kids to see how they were doing. They were all asleep. Jameson had been horrible and Evan and Griffin were angels. I'm not surprised.

The intermission ended and they all came back and performed some songs as a group and some individual songs.

Right after intermission ended, Kevin was swarmed with security guards. They asked him about the camera and he assured them it was an instamatic. Pffft, yeah right. They'll fall for that. Next thing I know, Kevin's being hauled away, camera and all. I kinda looked over and thought... see ya! I wasn't about to miss my show, especially after paying out the ass for the tickets. I knew Kevin would want me to be there, hehehehe....

Figures, as soon as my source for pictures was taken away, Justin came over, hopped onto a speaker and was almost close enough to touch. Damn! I would have loved a picture of that!

After awhile, Kevin was escorted back, without the camera. They explained to him that it wasn't the venue's policy, but American Idol's policy that they allow no digital cameras. They're afraid of images or videos being sold on the internet. Kevin explained that this was his company's camera and that his wife just wanted a picture of Justin. They didn't give a rat's ass. We were amazed to find, when we retrieved the camera, that they hadn't erased the images from the camera! So the ones you see above are all we have, boo hoo. But at least we have them. We were actually closer to the singers than the pictures depict. The camera is great for close up shots, but tends to make images look further away than they are.

The only disappointing part of the evening, other than not being summoned onto stage by Justin and whisked off to his hotel room for a hot night of May-December romance... was the fact that Justin didn't even look at me, much less engage in eye sex. Waaaaa-aaaah!

AJ, Christina and Tamyra all looked at me and waved, so I'm content.

Whew. This took an hour and a half to write and I'm exhausted. I'm going to sit on my ass and do nothing the rest of the day. I may even take a well deserved nap.

Good day, pardon any typos and bless you if you've gotten this far!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

9:16 a.m. - 2002-11-06


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