ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


My Most Embarrassing Day

Uh oh... It's 5:22pm and everyone is asleep. This won't be good in three hours when we want the kids to go to sleep for the night. We all took naps and the kids are taking extended ones, eivdently. Oh well, it's nice to have the silence.

I have salsa chicken baking in the crock pot, so dinner for the most part, is handled. Stephanie was supposed to have called so we could go shopping tonight, but it's just as well she didn't. I don't feel much like going out.

Today, Matt came over and helped Kevin fix the toilet. They had to take it off the base and take it apart. This must be the most embarrassing day of my life...

My stepson had to fish my used tampons out of the inside of the toilet.

Jameson had flushed the toilet paper roller down the toilet and it wedged in such a way that everything else we flushed afterwards got stuck. I'm absolutely mortified. I'll never be able to look him in the eye again. Of all the times of the month for J to flush a foreign object down the shitter.

*!~ Dying of embarrassment ~!*

The kids are all waking up, but I think Evan is still asleep. I suspect he's wet my bed... great. Jameson is almost completely night trained, but Evan still wets the bed, even for naps.

Well, I'll close this for now. I can't think what else to write about anyhow.

Happy Saturday!

5:22 p.m. - 2002-11-09


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