ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Ebay Deadbeats!

Ugh. What a night. Griffin has such a bad cold and he was up most of the night coughing. He woke up three times before I finally just brought him back into bed with me. He was restless and tossed and turned alot. He whimpered and coughed quite a bit, too. Everytime I would think he was finally settling down, I would drift back to sleep, only to have him start stirring again. I doubt either one of us slept more than a couple of hours. He's running around now like he hasn't a care in the world. If his cough keeps up though, I'm taking him to the doctor. It sounds so horrible.

Grrrr... I'm having the ebay bidder blues again. I had one woman e-mail me and tell me she wanted to bid on a shirt I was selling. She told me she only got paid once a month and asked if she could send a money order for it Friday, should she bid on it and win. Even though that would have me receiving payment past the allotted time frame I dictate in the auction (seven days), I was feeling charitable and wrote back telling her yes, that would be okay as long as payment went out no later than Friday. I went right to the auction to check on it, and she had already bid on it! Thanks for waiting for an answer, you dumb bitch. Naturally, she won, so I have to wait at least a week to get payment from her. Then there was this woman who used buy-it-now to buy a couple of Kevin's old shirts. I wrote to her three times giving her payment options and asking her to please confirm our transaction. Finally, yesterday eight days after the auction closed, she writes to me. She tells me she'll pay via Paypal "within the next few days". She also said she doesn't use the e-mail address at which I wrote her, that's whay she didn't reply to me sooner.

Uuhhh... how am I to know that? I used the e-mail address ebay has for her. She could have contacted me as well. I'm going to give her until Wednesday evening and if I don't receive payment, I'm relisting. I allow seven days for payment to be sent and that's to allow time for people who pay via money order. I think if someone is paying with Paypal, they should have the funds available before bidding. You wouldn't go into a store, tell a clerk you want her to hold "this item" and you'll pay whenever... Why should I allow it with ebay items?


I'll write more later, the kids are waking up and wanting their breakfast.

6:23 a.m. - 2002-10-29


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