ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Morning Too Soon

I'm half conscious as I write this, courtesy of Griffin. He got into bed with us around 3:30am. About an hour later, I put my arm around him to discover that he was drenched. Kevin said to let him sleep, but not only was Griffin soaked, so was the entire bed. I changed him and put towels down on the wet sheets. Evidently, Griffin thought he was up for the day and refused to go back to sleep. Living in a thin-walled apartment, we don't have the option of allowng him to cry it out, plus since he's able to get out of his crib now, there's really no point to it.

Kevin generously agreed to get up with him and let me sleep. About half an hour later, however, Griffin came back upstairs and got into bed with me. He fell asleep instantly. I thought... how ironic. Griffin is back to sleep in our bed and Kevin is downstairs watching "The Wiggles Space Dancing".

We all finally got some really deep sleep, including Kevin who had fallen asleep on the living room floor. I woke up and looked at the time. I re-focused my eyes and checked the time again.

Oh shit...

It was twenty to nine. Evan has to be at school at nine and he was still asleep, as was his chauffeur. I woke everyone and got them ready to go. I called the school and told them that Evan would be late. I think we're all wandering around in a state of half conscious today. I vaguely recall kissing Evan goodbye, telling him to have a good day at the office and to call me if he would be late. I believe I also kissed Kevin and told him to have a good day at school and to remember to bring home his homework.

But who the hell knows...


It's loud here. I'm not used to living on a busy street in the middle of town. Our old house was out in the middle of nowhere. Yes, the neighbors were loud and obnoxious, but the area itself was quiet as can be. We never heard anything but nature. We hear plenty of nature here (crickets, frogs, birds, etc.), but we always hear the humming of traffic on the street and the freeway a block or two away. I hear emergency vehicles go by at least once a day, whereas at our old house I heard a fire truck once every three years. I kind of like it. Hearing the noise of traffic, that is. It makes me feel a little more connected, you know? Like I'm surrounded by people and thereby safer. Or something. Remember, I'm half asleep. Our new house will really be out in Bum Fuck Egypt. All I'll hear there is deer getting shot and ducks flying over. Stuff like that.


I have a very high proxy bid in on a gift for Kevin on ebay. I'm so excited about this! I'm considering writing the seller and asking her to let me offer her my top bid in exchange for closing the auction early. I want to A) be assured that I win and B) be assured that Kevin won't spot this item and recognize my username. He. Will. Shit. When he sees this!! What an awesome addition to our new memorabilia room! Keep your fingers crossed I win this!


"They found me. I don't know how, but they found me!" ~ Doc, Back to the Future

That's how I feel. About the Bible Thumpers. Yesterday at 5pm, there was a knock at the door. I was having a true "calgon" moment, as I frequently am at 5pm. Griffin ws covered in maple syrup from head to toe. Jameson had every book we own lined up in OCD fashion, from one end of the apartment to the other. Evan was complaining that "there's never anything to eat around here", five minutes after he finished dinner. The phone was ringing, all three kids were either screaming, singing or bitching. All I needed was a knock at the door. Imagine my disgust when I fling the door open only to find two well dressed gentlemen wearing "We represent Jesus Christ" on their badges.

I answered the door and told them in no uncertain terms, that I was not interested. They told me I should consider taking Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I told them they should consider not knocking on my door at 5pm, when all hell was breaking loose in my house. He asked me, "Do you know who you need most at a time like this? Jesus." I asked, "Why? Does he offer low cost babysitting?"

I slammed the door.

Look, if I want Jesus Christ, I know where to find him. Just like vinyl siding, newspaper subscriptions and anything else people try to sell me at inopportune moments. Why can't people just leave me alone? Do I need to get a "no soliciting" sign, like old farts have? I might.

Well, I guess I better get my second spawn off to school, so he won't be late like the first one. Have a great day.

P.S. Clay Aiken. Just thought I'd mention that.

9:16 a.m. - 2003-09-16


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