ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Pissed off. Be warned.

This day is dragging. It really is. It feels like 5pm. I wish it was. I just want to eat dinner and go to bed. I'm in a dreadful mood today. I was awakened at the unchristly hour of 6:30am by a wrong number dialer, alleviating any possibility of our oversleeping again today.

Evan was impossible to awaken and finally woke up in as bad or worse a mood than I. We did battle over clothing choice. He won. I just wasn't in the mood. Bring on school uniforms, please!!

I actually showered and got on with my day early. I was ready to leave the house by 8:30am.

I drove past the house today to see that not a Goddamn thing has been done. One week and nothing's been done. Maybe they're waiting on permits or something.

I made the colossal mistake of thinking I could actually go do some shopping with my youngest two in tow. I went to Once Upon a Child, where Griffin and Jameson embarrassed me so badly by their behavior that I'll never be able to set foot in there again. I left with a screaming child under each arm, without my being able to look at a single damn thing.

I have things I need to do. I have things I need to purchase. I have places I need to go. But I can't do any of it, because my children are such heathens. Why can every other parent on earth go into public places with their children, but I can't?

I need to go do laundry. But I can't. Griffin runs away from me and hides and Jameson pesters everyone in the clubhouse trying to read or watch TV. I've even gone so far as to leave them alone in the apartment for a short time while I start a quick load, but I don't want to do it very often at all. Heaven knows what they can get into in a minute and a half unattended.

So I sit here, placing auctions and being in a pissy mood.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

1:51 p.m. - 2003-09-17


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